Corrections to Lecture 2
- The time
does not return the time (date does
that as well as returning the date). Rather, it is used to "time
a simple command or give resource usage."
- Here is a reasonable description and example
of Unix hard vs. soft links -- it might be confusing, especially the
discussion of iNodes, but the examples should be reasonably clear.
- Here are some basic commands to try (taken roughly from
description/example link in the bullet above) to get some sense of the
differences between hard and soft links (note, some of the commands
fail, but that's part of what's important about the example).
echo "1111" > x
$ ln x y
$ cat x
$ cat y
$ echo "2222" >> y
$ cat x
$ cat y
$ rm x
$ cat x
$ cat y
$ ln y x
$ ln -s x z
$ echo "33333" >> x
$ cat x
$ cat y
$ cat z
$ rm x
$ cat x
$ cat y
$ cat z