CSE 303: Concepts and Tools for Software Development, Winter 2006
Course Glossary
Foreword: Especially with the furious pace of new
tools and environments in CSE303, it is easy to get lost in unfamiliar
terms. Here we provide useful working definitions for the
purpose of this class. They may not be complete or even
one-hundred percent accurate throughout the universe, but they should
help us keep concepts straight. This list is to help you; it is not
necessary to study the definitions.
This glossary will grow and change as the course proceeds.
Feedback on entries and/or the general usefulness of the glossary is
The entries are listed twice: first in alphabetical order and then
roughly in the order in which they were introduced in the
- address space
- An address range is a range of numbers, often [0..232]
or [0..264], that correspond to virtual storage
locations that your program can use. All (well, almost all) code
and data under the control of a program exists somewhere in the
address space. The operating system and hardware are responsible
for ensuring that there is actual, physical storage backing up
allocated portions of the virtual address space. You can think of
the whole address space as a giant array of bytes.
- alias
- In the shell, an alias is a "user-defined builtin",
i.e., a way to extend the shell with a new command.
- attu
- The name of the department's instructional Linux server. It is
just the name of a computer on our network. That computer runs Linux
and accepts remote connections so that you can do your work there.
- arguments (shell)
- Values given to a program on the command line when it is run. The
arguments to bash shell scripts are stored in variables $1, $2,
- awk
- A stream editor, like sed, but slightly richer.
- bash
- A particular shell, different from csh which we are using in
CSE303. In general, many people find bash better for shell scripting
but a bit less convenient for manual command-line interaction.
- .bashrc
- A file in the user's home directory that is implicitly
"sourced" when the user launches a non-login Bash
- builtin
- In the shell, any "first word" for the command-line that
has special meaning, so the shell does not look for a proram of the
same name.
- C
- C is a programming language that looks like Java, but is "closer"
to what actually runs on hardware than Java.
- .cshrc
- A file in the user's home directory that is implicitly
"sourced" when the user launches a C-shell.
- csh
- The C-Shell, a Linux program that interprets command lines and
launches other programs. By default, the shell that starts when a
user logs into attu is the C-shell. On most Linux machines, csh is
actually tcsh, an improved variant.
- command-line
- The command-line is the place in the shell where you type
commands. It is "after" the prompt. A command-line
interface is a mode of interaction with the computer via typing
command-lines, as opposed to a GUI.
- directory
- Sometimes called a folder on other operating systems, a directory
is part of the file system that holds files and other directories. If
a directory A is in a directory B, then we call B
the parent directory of A.
- emacs
- emacs is a powerful, extensible general-purpose text editor with
support for many programming languages
- exit status
- When a process completes execution, it
returns an integer which is its exit status, sometimes called
an exit code or return code. By convention, 0 indicates
successful completion and other numbers indicate an error.
- file system
- The file system is the tree of directories and files holding the
persistent data, i.e., the data that exists even after programs stop
and even the computer is turned off.
- global variables
- In C, and some other languages, variables can be declared outside
the scope of any function, module or class. Such variables are
called global variables, and can be accessed by any function.
- grep
- A command line tool that uses regular expressions to
find patterns in text. grep has lots and lots of options; check the
man page.
- A graphical user-interface, typically using concepts including
WIMP: Windows, Icons, Mice, and Pointers.
- history variables
- In the shell, history variables (e.g., !37) expand to previously
executed commands. They are convenience for command-line users.
- Linux
- A free widely-available operating system that is by design very
similar in use and functionality to the various UNIX operating
- local variables
- .login
- A file in the user's home directory that is implicitly
"sourced" when the user launches a login Bash
- man
- The "manual" command for getting information about commands in
UNIX and Linux
- metacharacters
- Metacharacters are characters like * and ? that the shell will
change into some other character or characters. Metacharacters are
useful for saving typing and flexibility in scripts. To literally
write metacharacters, use quotes ("*") or backslashes (\?).
- operating system
- An operating system is the program that starts running when you
boot a computer. The job of the operating system is to manage other
programs, manage the file system, manage users and permissions, and
manage resources (such as the screen and the disk) that different
programs need.
- permissions
- Different users have different permissions,
i.e. priveleges. In UNIX, permissions correspond to files and whether
a user can read and/or write and/or execute them.
- pipe
- A pipe is the connection of the output stream of one process to
the input stream of another process.
- pointer
- A pointer is C is a memory address that refers to some data or
code. You get pointers by taking the address of variables: &x. You
use pointers by dereferencing them: *y.
- process
- A running program is a process. You may have multiple processes
running the same program (e.g., emacs). Commands for working with
processes: &, jobs, fg, bg, kill, ps, top.
- prompt
- The prompt is the text in the shell to the left of where you type
a command.
- redirection
- The shell can "redirect" standard in, standard out, and standard
error to or from files instead of the screen or keyboard.
- regular expression
- Regular expressions are a "language" for patterns of characters
that have some special properties that you will learn if you take a
CS theory course. Simple example: ab*c is a pattern that matches
"ac", "abc", "abbc", ... Regular expressions are used by many tools
like grep and sed.
- quoting
- Also known as escaping, quoting refers to the way
you make a program (such as the shell) interpret special characters
(such as *) literally (such as actually the asterisk character).
- Reflection-X
- Reflection-X is a piece of software
for Windows that lets you make ssh connections to other machines (such
as attu) and have windows for programs running on the remote machine
actually display on your machine.
- root
- The root directory is the top-level directory (/ in UNIX).
The root user is also knows as the superuser, the
special user who always has full access to everything. The two uses
of root have essentially nothing to do with each other.
- safety
- Programming languages can be more or less safe. Safe languages,
like Java, will throw exceptions and terminate programs that try to
do things like write to random memory locations or treat a string as
a number. Unsafe languages, like C, will let programs do more or less
anything, which may lead to your computer catching on fire.
- script
- A script is a small program. A shell script is a small program
written as a collection of shell commands. To confuse you,
"script" also is the name of a program that logs all your
shell interaction in a file; this program is badly named.
- sed
- A command line tool that uses regular expressions to find
patterns and replace in text. sed has lots and lots of
options; check the man page. sed is short for "Stream EDitor".
- segmentation fault
- If a program reads or writes a location in the address space that
has not been allocated to that program, the hardware and operating
system may terminate the program and report a segmentation fault.
If you want to know why it's called a "segmentation" fault, take a
computer architecture class. On some computers it's called a "bus
- shell
- A shell is a command-line interpreter for running other programs.
- shell variable
- Shell variables are storage locations managed by the shell that
can store strings. Shell variables are useful for shell
programming, and some special variables like PATH affect the way
the shell works.
- ssh
- "Secure shell" A way to log-in to a Linux machine (such
as attu) via the Internet rather than being physically at the
keyboard. It is secure in the sense that all communication with the
remote computer is encrypted (unintelligible to eavesdroppers).
- stack (a.k.a. "the stack", a.k.a. "call stack")
- The stack is an area of memory where a progam remembers the
history of function calls that it has made, but not returned from.
Also, in C local variables are stored in the stack. This means that
once a function call has returned, its local variables do not exist
- Standard In, Standard Out, and Standard Error
- Often written, stdin, stdout, and stderr, these input and output
"streams" are set up by the shell and can be used by programs to
display information to or get input from users.
- tcsh
- An improved variant of csh.
- Informally, UNIX is an operating system, or actually a general
description for a related family of operating systems. For technical
and legal reasons, Linux is not a UNIX operating system, but...
- user
- An operating-system concept describing an "account",
which has a password, a home directory, and particular permissions.
- vi
- vi is a programmable text editor that is much less "bulky"
than emacs.
- operating system
- An operating system is the program that starts running when you
boot a computer. The job of the operating system is to manage other
programs, manage the file system, manage users and permissions, and
manage resources (such as the screen and the disk) that different
programs need.
- file system
- The file system is the tree of directories and files holding the
persistent data, i.e., the data that exists even after programs stop
and even the computer is turned off.
- command-line
- The command-line is the place in the shell where you type
commands. It is "after" the prompt. A command-line
interface is a mode of interaction with the computer via typing
command-lines, as opposed to a GUI.
- prompt
- The prompt is the text in the shell to the left of where you type
a command.
- A graphical user-interface, typically using concepts including
WIMP: Windows, Icons, Mice, and Pointers.
- shell
- A shell is a command-line interpreter for running other
- directory
- Sometimes called a folder on other operating systems, a directory
is part of the file system that holds files and other directories. If
a directory A is in a directory B, then we call B
the parent directory of A.
- user
- An operating-system concept describing an "account",
which has a password, a home directory, and particular permissions.
- Linux
- A free widely-available operating system that is by design very
similar in use and functionality to the various UNIX operating
- Informally, UNIX is an operating system, or actually a general
description for a related family of operating systems. For technical
and legal reasons, Linux is not a UNIX operating system, but...
- process
- A running program is a process. You may have multiple processes
running the same program (e.g., emacs). Commands for working with
processes: &, jobs, fg, bg, kill, ps, top.
- ssh
- "Secure shell" A way to log-in to a Linux machine (such
as attu) via the Internet rather than being physically at the
keyboard. It is secure in the sense that all communication with the
remote computer is encrypted (unintelligible to eavesdroppers).
- attu
- The name of the department's instructional Linux server. It is
just the name of a computer on our network. That computer runs Linux
and accepts remote connections so that you can do your work there.
- Reflection-X
- Reflection-X is a piece of software
for Windows that lets you make ssh connections to other machines (such
as attu) and have windows for programs running on the remote machine
actually display on your machine.
- bash
- A particular shell, different from csh which we are using in
CSE303. In general, many people find bash better for shell scripting
but a bit less convenient for manual command-line interaction.
- csh
- The C-Shell, a Linux program that interprets command lines and
launches other programs. By default, the shell that starts when a
user logs into attu is the C-shell. On most Linux machines, csh is
actually tcsh, an improved variant.
- tcsh
- An improved variant of csh.
- .bashrc
- A file in the user's home directory that is implicitly
"sourced" when the user launches a non-login Bash
- .login
- A file in the user's home directory that is implicitly
"sourced" when the user launches a login Bash
- builtin
- In the shell, any "first word" for the command-line that
has special meaning, so the shell does not look for a proram of the
same name.
- man
- The "manual" command for getting information about commands in
UNIX and Linux
- emacs
- emacs is a powerful, extensible general-purpose text editor with
support for many programming languages
- vi
- vi is a programmable text editor that is much less "bulky"
than emacs.
- permissions
- Different users have different permissions,
i.e. priveleges. In UNIX, permissions correspond to files and whether
a user can read and/or write and/or execute them.
- root
- The root directory is the top-level directory (/ in UNIX).
The root user is also knows as the superuser, the
special user who always has full access to everything. The two uses
of root have essentially nothing to do with each other.
- history variables
- In the shell, history variables (e.g., !37) expand to previously
executed commands. They are convenience for command-line users.
- alias
- In the shell, an alias is a "user-defined builtin",
i.e., a way to extend the shell with a new command.
- exit status
- When a process completes execution, it
returns an integer which is its exit status, sometimes called
an exit code or return code. By convention, 0 indicates
successful completion and other numbers indicate an error.
- pipe
- A pipe is the connection of the output stream of one process to
the input stream of another process.
- script
- A script is a small program. A shell script is a small program
written as a collection of shell commands. To confuse you,
"script" also is the name of a program that logs all your
shell interaction in a file; this program is badly named.
- quoting
- Also known as escaping, quoting refers to the way
you make a program (such as the shell) interpret special characters
(such as *) literally (such as actually the asterisk character).
- shell variable
- Shell variables are storage locations managed by the shell that
can store strings. Shell variables are useful for shell
programming, and some special variables like PATH affect the way
the shell works.
- metacharacters
- Metacharacters are characters like * and ? that the shell will
change into some other character or characters. Metacharacters are
useful for saving typing and flexibility in scripts. To literally
write metacharacters, use quotes ("*") or backslashes (\?).
- Standard In, Standard Out, and Standard Error
- Often written, stdin, stdout, and stderr, these input and output
"streams" are set up by the shell and can be used by programs to
display information to or get input from users.
- redirection
- The shell can "redirect" standard in, standard out, and standard
error to or from files instead of the screen or keyboard.
- arguments (shell)
- Values given to a program on the command line when it is run. The
arguments to bash shell scripts are stored in variables $1, $2,
- regular expression
- Regular expressions are a "language" for patterns of characters
that have some special properties that you will learn if you take a
CS theory course. Simple example: ab*c is a pattern that matches
"ac", "abc", "abbc", ... Regular expressions are used by many tools
like grep and sed.
- grep
- A command line tool that uses regular expressions to
find patterns in text. grep has lots and lots of options; check the
man page.
- sed
- A command line tool that uses regular expressions to find
patterns and replace in text. sed has lots and lots of
options; check the man page. sed is short for "Stream EDitor".
- awk
- A stream editor, like sed, but slightly richer.
- C
- C is a programming language that looks like Java, but is "closer"
to what actually runs on hardware than Java.
- safety
- Programming languages can be more or less safe. Safe languages,
like Java, will throw exceptions and terminate programs that try to
do things like write to random memory locations or treat a string as
a number. Unsafe languages, like C, will let programs do more or less
anything, which may lead to your computer catching on fire.
- address space
- An address range is a range of numbers, often [0..232]
or [0..264], that correspond to virtual storage
locations that your program can use. All (well, almost all) code
and data under the control of a program exists somewhere in the
address space. The operating system and hardware are responsible
for ensuring that there is actual, physical storage backing up
allocated portions of the virtual address space. You can think of
the whole address space as a giant array of bytes.
- global variables
- In C, and some other languages, variables can be declared outside
the scope of any function, module or class. Such variables are
called global variables, and can be accessed by any function.
- segmentation fault
- If a program reads or writes a location in the address space that
has not been allocated to that program, the hardware and operating
system may terminate the program and report a segmentation fault.
If you want to know why it's called a "segmentation" fault, take a
computer architecture class. On some computers it's called a "bus
- stack (a.k.a. "the stack", a.k.a. "call stack")
- The stack is an area of memory where a progam remembers the
history of function calls that it has made, but not returned from.
Also, in C local variables are stored in the stack. This means that
once a function call has returned, its local variables do not exist
- pointer
- A pointer is C is a memory address that refers to some data or
code. You get pointers by taking the address of variables: &x. You
use pointers by dereferencing them: *y.