After lecture 1, your instructor returned to his office and typed "history > lec1hist" into the shell we used in class. He then opened lec1hist in the emacs editor, deleted the first several lines (which corresponded to uninteresting things he typed before class). Then he wrote this paragraph, saved the file, and put the result on the website. history is a special "builtin" for the shell; I encourage you to learn more about it. 20 14:34 ls 21 14:34 cd 22 14:47 pwd 23 15:03 clear 24 15:05 pwd 25 15:06 cd / 26 15:06 pwd 27 15:06 ls 28 15:07 ls -F 29 15:07 cd /home 30 15:07 ls 31 15:08 cd / 32 15:08 cd /home/djg/atomcaml/ 33 15:08 cd / 34 15:08 cd home 35 15:08 pwd 36 15:09 cd djg/atomcaml/ 37 15:09 pwd 38 15:09 cd 39 15:09 pwd 40 15:09 man cd 41 15:10 cd --help 42 15:14 mkdir play 43 15:14 cd play 44 15:14 ls 45 15:14 echo "hello class, my name is Dan Grosman" 46 15:14 clear 47 15:14 echo "hello class, my name is Dan Grosman" > myfirstfile 48 15:15 ls 49 15:15 ls -F 50 15:15 cat myfirstfile 51 15:15 cp myfirstfile mysecondfile 52 15:15 ls 53 15:15 cat mysecondfile 54 15:15 cat myfirstfile 55 15:16 diff myfirstfile mysecondfile 56 15:16 cp myfirstfile foo 57 15:16 rm myfirstfile 58 15:17 rm -i foo 59 17:13 mv msecondfile mythirdfile 60 17:13 history > lec1hist