Tyler Dao

Me at the end of the year celebration

About Me

Me hiking at Heather Lake I am a current third year student in the STARS engineering programming majoring in Computer Scienceat the University of Washington. I am a Chinese first generation student and speak English & Cantonese. Originally I am from Boston Massachusetts but moved to Lynnwood Washington when I was 14. I did soccer, track & field, and XC throughout highschool, going to state in track for the 4X100 meter relay.

Tyler's Tips

  • Commenting & documentation is very important for your code. It helps with organization and makes your code very readible. In the 14X series, mainly in 143, they're very picky about your comments. All of the homework points I've ever lost in 14X has been for comments.
  • Use practice it a lot. It has sample exams and sometimes they use those problems on the actual exam.
  • Writing out your code is useful in studying for the exams because you have to get used to writing everything out in one go and doing it perfectly without relying on the compiler to show you where you've made a mistake.
Stars Group Picture pointing towards Loew