NOTE: This old web site is out of date. This is the course web site from a past quarter, 20sp (Spring 2020). If you are a current student taking the course, this is not your class web site, and you should visit the current class web site instead.


General information

CSE 190z is a support class for STARS students enrolled in CSE 142 (in Winter) and CSE 143 (in Spring) to ensure success. The course will include reinforcing concepts through lecture, practice quizzes, and problem sets. Students are expected to attend check-in meetings each week to evaluate their progress and determine additional support needed.

This course is NOT a place to receive help on CSE 142 or 143 programming assignments, rather students will gain extra practice with the core concepts that will allow them to synthesize the material on the assignments independently.

Who are we?


Lauren Bricker photo

Lauren Bricker
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Office: CSE 552
Office Hours: Wed 4:30-5:30 pm /Fri 3:30-4:30 pm


Kwing Li

Kwing Li
Pronouns: he/him/his

Merhawi Abraha

Merhawi Abraha
Pronouns: he/him/his

Tyler Dao

Tyler Dao
Pronouns: Computer Scientist
(also he/him/his)

Jyoti Lama

Jyoti Lama
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Getting Help

Your first stop for most questions should be our Ed Discussion board, but do not post any part of your homework solutions there (do NOT post all or part of a solution to an assignment, even to ask what is wrong with it. This includes an highly detailed descriptions of your solution to an assignment.) Detailed debugging is best handled in office hours or during check ins.

For questions involving personal matters send email to cse190z-staff or the instructor. You may also send Anonymous Feedback at any time, but understand we can not respond to you directly if you do. Responses, if possible, will be broadcast to the class as a whole or systematic changes to the class when necessary.