NOTE: This is the draft web site for 23wi (Winter 2023). Please check back soon!


General information

CSE190X is a workshop designed to provide academic support for students enrolled in the Startup program. All students will attend an 80 minute session once a week where the focus will be on building study skills and developing good group and individual study habits. All students concurrently enrolled in CSE 122 (Autumn) and CSE 123 (Winter) will attend an 80 minute session will be used reinforce concepts learned in those courses through additional lectures, active and collaborative problem solving sessions. In addition, students will complete twice weekly pre-work to reinforce skills learned in the introductory CS class, weekly assessments, as well as engage in a weekly 1-on-1 Check-In meeting with a TA to evaluate student progress and clarify misconceptions.

This course is NOT a place to receive help on CSE 12X programming assignments. Rather students will gain extra practice with the core concepts that will allow them to synthesize the material on their CSE 12X assignments independently.

Course Staff


Omar Ibrahim photo

YB: Omar Ibrahim (he/they)
Office Hours: (CSE2 150)
Mon 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Wed 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Javon Hickmon

Javon Hickmon (he/him)

Mia Huynh

Mia Huynh (she/her)

Alaina Olson

Alaina Olson (she/hers)

Anthony Luong

Anthony Luong (he/his)

Joseph Jang

Joseph Jang (he/him)

Marco Woo

Marco Woo (he/him)

Sarah Khan

Sarah Khan (she/her)

Getting Help

Your first stop for most questions should be our Ed Discussion board, but do not post any part of your homework solutions there (do NOT post all or part of a solution to an assignment, even to ask what is wrong with it. This includes an highly detailed descriptions of your solution to an assignment.) Detailed debugging is best handled in office hours or during check ins.

For questions involving personal matters send email to CSE 190X staff or the instructor. You may also send Anonymous Feedback at any time, but understand we can not respond to you directly if you do. Responses, if possible, will be broadcast to the class as a whole or systematic changes to the class when necessary.