Web Programming Step by Step, 2nd Edition

Lecture 25: Scriptaculous

Reading: 10.2

Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this document are Copyright 2012 Marty Stepp, Jessica Miller, Victoria Kirst and Roy McElmurry IV. All rights reserved. Any redistribution, reproduction, transmission, or storage of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited without the author's expressed written permission.

Valid HTML5 Valid CSS

Visual Effects

Scriptaculous overview

Scriptaculous : a JavaScript library, built on top of Prototype, that adds:

Downloading and using Scriptaculous

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/"

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/scriptaculous.js"

Visual effects



(Getting attention)

scriptaculous logo Click effects above

Adding effects to an element

element.effectName();            // for most effects
new Effect.Name(element or id);   // for some effects

var buttons = $$("results > button");
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {

Effect options

	option: value,
	option: value,
	duration: 2.0, 
	pulses: 2

Effect events

	duration: 3.0, 
	afterFinish: displayMessage

function displayMessage(effect) {
	alert(effect.element + " is done fading now!");

Sortable Lists; Drag and Drop

Drag and drop

Scriptaculous provides several objects for supporting drag-and-drop functionality:


Sortable.create(element or id of list, {

Sortable demo

<ol id="simpsons">
	<li id="simpsons_0">Homer</li>
	<li id="simpsons_1">Marge</li>
	<li id="simpsons_2">Bart</li>
	<li id="simpsons_3">Lisa</li>
	<li id="simpsons_4">Maggie</li>
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
  1. Homer
  2. Marge
  3. Bart
  4. Lisa
  5. Maggie

Sortable list events

event description
onChange when any list item hovers over a new position while dragging
onUpdate when a list item is dropped into a new position (more useful)
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	Sortable.create("simpsons", {
			onUpdate: listUpdate

Sortable list events example

document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	Sortable.create("simpsons", {
			onUpdate: listUpdate

function listUpdate(list) {
	// can do anything I want here; effects, an Ajax request, etc.
  1. Homer
  2. Marge
  3. Bart
  4. Lisa
  5. Maggie

Subtleties of Sortable events


new Draggable(element or id, {

Draggable example

<div id="draggabledemo1">Draggable demo 1. Default options.</div>
<div id="draggabledemo2">Draggable demo 2.
	{snap: [40,40], revert: true}</div>
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	new Draggable("draggabledemo1");
	new Draggable("draggabledemo2", {revert: true, snap: [40, 40]});
logo Draggable demo 1.
Default options.
Draggable demo 2.
{snap:[60, 60], revert:true}



Droppables.add(element or id, {

Drag/drop shopping demo

<img id="shirt" src="images/shirt.png" alt="shirt" />
<img id="cup" src="images/cup.png" alt="cup" />
<div id="droptarget"></div>
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	new Draggable("shirt");
	new Draggable("cup");
	Droppables.add("droptarget", {onDrop: productDrop});

function productDrop(drag, drop, event) {
	alert("You dropped " + drag.id);
shirt cup

Auto-completing Text Fields

Auto-completing text fields


Scriptaculous offers ways to make a text box that auto-completes based on prefix strings *:

* (won't be necessary once HTML5 datalist element is well supported)

Using Autocompleter.Local

new Autocompleter.Local(
	element or id of text box, 
	element or id of div to show completions,
	array of choices, 
	{ options }

Autocompleter.Local demo

<input id="bands70s" size="40" type="text" />
<div id="bandlistarea"></div>
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	new Autocompleter.Local(
		["ABBA", "AC/DC", "Aerosmith", "America", "Bay City Rollers", ...], 

Autocompleter styling

<input id="bands70s" size="40" type="text" />
<div id="bandlistarea"></div>
#bandlistarea {
	border: 2px solid gray;
/* 'selected' class is given to the autocomplete item currently chosen */
#bandlistarea .selected {
	background-color: pink;

Using Ajax.Autocompleter

new Ajax.Autocompleter(
	element or id of text box, 
	element or id of div to show completions,
	{ options }


new Ajax.InPlaceEditor(element or id,
	{ options }

Makes it possible to edit the content of elements on a page "live" and send the edits back to the server using Ajax.


new Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor(element or id, url, {
	collection: array of choices,

Other Features

Playing sounds (API)

method description
Sound.play("url"); plays a sound/music file
Sound.disable(); stops future sounds from playing (doesn't mute any sound in progress)
Sound.enable(); re-enables sounds to be playable after a call to Sound.disable()

Other neat features