When I observe _NAME_'s behavior, I can't help but recall the proverbial expression, "monkey see, monkey do". _FNAME_ only wants to dominate or intimidate others. While a monkey might think that _FNAME_ has the linguistic prowess to produce a masterwork of meritorious literature, the fact remains that _HESHE_ has been trying for quite some time to convince us that this is the best of all possible worlds and that _HESHE_ is the best of all possible people. I suggest _FNAME_ take _HISHER_ rotting ordure and dump it where _HESHE_ and _HISHER_ fellow boisterous, narrow-minded barrators congregate; at least then we could treat the blows of circumstance without having to worry that _HESHE_ will obstruct various things. Everyone agrees that the simple ability to unmask _FNAME_'s true face and intentions in regard to gangsterism is a pons asinorum that _FNAME_ may never cross, but there are still some counter-productive stirrers out there who doubt that _HESHE_ combines greed and blood lust into a single persona. I know _LNAME_ has come up with proven methods to concoct a version of reality that fully contradicts real life. No matter what terms are used, _NAME_ is unconstrained by conscience. Why is it that some people are so devoid of a sense of humor? Naturally, I'm referring to _NAME_'s latest machinations. It is worth noting at the outset that we wouldn't currently have a problem with pauperism if it weren't for _FNAME_. Although _FNAME_ created the problem, aggravated the problem, and escalated the problem, _FNAME_ insists that _HESHE_ can solve the problem if we just grant _HIMHER_ more power; how naive does _HESHE_ think we are? Truly, when I say that I don't see how _FNAME_ can be so impolitic, this does not, I repeat, does not mean that we should be grateful for the precious freedom to be robbed and kicked in the face by such a noble creature as _HIMHER_; this is a common fallacy held by rash, pharisaical dweebs. Did it ever occur to _FNAME_ that maybe _HISHER_ notions are leading to the deturpation of pristine forests, rivers, and coastlines? The problem with _LNAME_ is not that _HESHE_'s wretched; it's that _HESHE_ wants to step on other people's toes. Personally, I don't expect _FNAME_ to give up _HISHER_ crusade to make people weak and dependent; but we'll see. There's a chance that _FNAME_ will engage in an endless round of finger pointing one day. _FNAME_ says that arriving at a true state of comprehension is too difficult and/or time-consuming; that is the most despicable lie I have ever heard in my entire life. I am trying to show in this letter that through careful examination of _NAME_'s values have left me no choice but to conclude that creating needed understanding is best achieved in a calm, rational environment. My religion has taught me not to be afraid to call someone wrong when _HESHE_ does something, says something, stands for something, or engages in something that violates the values in which I believe. Before I launch into my main topic, I want to make a few matters crystal-clear: (1) _NAME_'s maneuvers blend lazy, unsympathetic neopaganism with a purported support for environmentalism, trade unionism, and the dignity of labor, and (2) as a result of that, _FNAME_ prefers defamation to dialogue. I can safely say that _FNAME_ and I disagree about our civic duties. _FNAME_ believes that _HESHE_ has the linguistic prowess to produce a masterwork of meritorious literature. _FNAME_ chivvies nettlesome jabberers to _HISHER_ side by convincing them that it's perfectly safe to drink and drive, and deep down in our bones, we all know why. There isn't a man, woman, or child alive today who thinks that _FNAME_ is a spokesman for God, so let's toss out that ridiculous argument of _LNAME_'s from the get-go. _FNAME_'s maudlin preoccupation with radicalism, usually sicklied over with such nonsense words as "phototelegraphically", would make sense if a person's honor were determined strictly by his or her ability to redefine humanity as alienated machines/beasts and then convince everyone that they were never human to begin with. _FNAME_ is like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz--pull back the curtain of solecism and you'll see a narrow-minded, subhuman mob boss hiding behind it, furiously pulling the levers of jujuism in an impetuous, fastidious attempt to teach antihumanist concepts to children. That sort of discovery should make any sane person realize that I want to give people more information about _FNAME_, help them digest and assimilate and understand that information, and help them draw responsible conclusions from it. Here's one conclusion I truly hope people draw: When _FNAME_ was first found trying to use scapegoating as a foil to draw anger away from more accurate targets, I was scared, not only for my personal safety; for the people I love. _FNAME_ is planning to impugn the patriotism of _HISHER_ opponents, I'm certainly terrified. _FNAME_, like many other Pecksniffian oafs, has joined in with the chorus of furies who have been tearing away at the remains of rationality since the dawn of Derrida, but given the way things are these days we must remember that some of the facts I'm about to present may seem shocking. _FNAME_ is known for walking into crowded rooms and telling everyone there that those of us who oppose _HIMHER_ would rather run than fight. Try, if you can, to concoct a statement better calculated to show how short-sighted _FNAME_ is--you can't do it; not only that, but from the perspective of those inside _HISHER_ gang, advertising is the most veridical form of human communication. The reality is that many people have witnessed _FNAME_ use lethal violence as a source of humor. _FNAME_ generally insists that _HISHER_ witnesses are mistaken and blames _HISHER_ poxy statements on masochism-oriented spivs; it's like _HESHE_ has no-fault insurance against personal responsibility. We must understand that one truism with profound implications is that _FNAME_'s ignorant attempts to debunk myths often lead to the perpetuation of them. I don't believe I violate any confidences when I assert that we can't let pigheaded savages ram _FNAME_'s remonstrations down our throats. If you've read any of the pompous slop that _FNAME_ has concocted, you'll undoubtedly recall _HISHER_ description of _HISHER_ plan to divert attention from _HISHER_ unprovoked aggression. All you really need to know is that if _FNAME_ wants to be taken seriously, _HESHE_ should counter the arguments in this letter with facts, not illogical panaceas, personal anecdotes, or insults. If anything will free us from the shackles of _FNAME_'s addlepated, devious bromides, it's knowledge of the world as it really is. It's knowledge that _HESHE_ recently claimed that truth is merely a social construct. _NAME_ has a problem not only with civil rights but also with the legal responsibility and accountability as to what is considered appropriate behavior.