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[edit] General TA Links


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[edit] Labs and IPL

  • IPL tips
  • IPL-It! (application to manage students in IPL waiting queue)
    • IPL-It Login Info (don't give out to students):
      • username: ta14x
      • password: I<3theIPL
  • If there is an IPL-related emergency (locked out, etc.), call 206-616-8154 directly and ask for Vien or Gloria.

  • Lab 3 (Music Library): Spec, Solution
    • common bug: using {$var} outside of a string
    • make sure that they are saving their page with a .php extension, not .html
    • They may reverse the arguments in their for-each loops. foreach ('set' as 'variable')
    • They should include the folder name in their paths for linking to the song.
    • String concatenation uses . , not +
    • The parameter they pass in for glob: They need to send in the entire directory for the music including the folder. Also need to put the wildcard character in the rigth place. (Look for all files with extension *.mp3, *.txt or *.m3u)
  • Lab 4 (Buy-a-Grade): Spec, Solution
    • common problem: file permission issues when writing suckers.txt
    • My parameters aren't showing up!
      • All of their form inputs should be given a name
    • I can select both of the credit cards at the same time
      • To group radio buttons, they must share the same name. Their values should differ though.
    • I'm passing empty values but the php page still thinks they are fine
      • the isset function only checks if they parameters exist, not if they are blank/empty string values.
    • My file does not save the previous submissions
      • Make sure they are appending to the file and not overwriting it. They need to include the FILE_APPEND flag in their function call.
  • Lab 5 (Pimp My Text): Spec, Solution
    • common bug: text box disappears if you resize it when it's inside of a <form> tag. Don't use <form>.
    • advice of things to try if they have JavaScript problems:
      • W3C HTML/CSS validate the page first.
      • Make sure Firebug doesn't have any red error messages at bottom-right.
      • Put a JS alert at the top of the file and/or function and see if it shows up.
      • Run the JS code through JSLint and fix all errors.
      • Try the Firebug debugger and see if you can step through and find the bug.
  • Lab 6 (Maze): Spec, Solution
    • None of my actions are working!!!
      • Make sure that they are linking the javascript file correct. They can check they with an alert in their javascript, if no alert, no link.
    • I can't get the bottom div to stay gray.
      • They should be using context selectors to specifically get the divs in the div with the id maze.
    • None of my boundaries are turning red.
      • Make sure they use a for loop to apply the event to each div. $$ returns an array of the divs and you can't apply them to the array, must be individual.
    • When I reset my game, I still get the loser message
      • Make sure if they are using a boolean to keep track of state, that they are reseting that too.
    • For super haxxor step: When I mouse-out of start and just play a normal game, it yells at me and gets mad :( why?
      • Mousing around in main is actually read by javascript as mousing out of main as well. To solve this, pass event to your onhandler event and get the element that triggered the event with event.element. If that is equal to the "#main" element, then they're cheating. Marty also introduced event.stop(); that should fix the issue as well.
  • Lab 7 (Urban Dictionary): Spec, Solution
    • My page isn't doing anything / What is the weird error message?
      • Make sure that they are uploading their page to webster. Nothing will work otherwise.
    • My page can't find urban.php
      • They need to fetch from "/cse190m/sections/7/urban.php" because urban.php is in the root directory of webster.
    • When the request fails, feedback about what went wrong is not very good sometimes. They should not only have the onSuccess event handler but also onFailure and onException event handlers to help them out.
    • <node>.getElementsByTagName() returns an array. So they need to loop through array to grab elements. (They had this problem using $$())
    • They may forget that their functions that are called onSuccess and onFailure take a parameter (ajax).
    • Some like to use "value" instead of "term" for their php query parameter. Refer them to the write up.
    • Forgetting the "format" parameter also seems to be a big issue, even though it's in the write up; Refer them to the write up.
  • Lab 8 (Potato Head, Scriptaculous / Web Services): Spec, Solution
    • Explain to students that they are going to practice working with Server-side PHP and JS.
    • Try to have the students touch on the first 5 parts of the lab, basically finish.
    • For their php file, they must have the header: 'header("Content-type: text/plain");'
    • They may have errors when doing file I/O in php if they are trying to read a file like potato.txt, but did not create said file.
    • Also much like the buy-a-grade lab, they may need to change permissions on their txt file to be able to write to it.
    • Mostly there will be small bugs for syntax reasons.
  • Lab 9 (Queries): Spec, Solution
    • Help Me O_O ! I can't log into MySQL!
      • Make sure they are using their MySQL password and not their UW NetID Password. Also, when typing in the password, nothing is displayed, they may freak out. Be warned.
      • If you have tried everything and you can't get them logged in, use user name siskel , password 2thumbsup as a temporary account. (But tell them not to use that on their HW.)
    • I can get onto MySQL through the terminal, but my test_query.php doesn't work! *cry*
      • Make sure they replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD in the PHP file with their own log in information.
    • My queries don't submit, they just keep giving me another line to type on...
      • They need a semicolon.
    • My queries say I have a syntax error, but I typed it just like the example!
      • There could be many things wrong. Make sure their strings to match literal values have quotes around them. The column names are case-sensitive, the key words are not.
    • There are a few things they may mess up on in syntax or forgetting Keywords to sort, or match (ORDER BY, LIKE, BETWEEN, IN...).
  • Lab 10 (Practice Final): Spec, Solution
    • This is expected to be a paper/pencil lab.
      • It's okay for them to have the computer logged in to look at references if they need it, but they really should write their actual solutions on paper.
    • For this lab, we want to give the students paper copies of this sample final.
    • Tell the students to skip #1 and #5 and focus on #2-4.
    • Maybe tell them how much time is left at various intervals.
    • If a kid is sitting on the computer this whole lab, you can take off point(s).
    • Encourage them that the rules here are not as strict as on the real exam.
      • It's okay to raise their hands and ask the TAs for help (more help than we give on the real exam!)
      • Okay to talk to their neighbors, to share ideas and even look at / ask about neighbors' code if they want!


[edit] Email Lists

TA mailing list:

Section mailing list: (where xx is the section's letters)

Class mailing list: (Caution: This sends an email to every student in the entire class.)


[edit] Editing student files on Webster

You can connect to Webster as the root 'super-user' and make changes to students' code on webster if necessary.

  • Connect to Webster using your SSH program (e.g. putty, SSH, Fugu)
  • Once connected, type sudo -i to log in as the super-user, root.
  • Now you have full permissions on the server. You can edit, copy/move, etc. to any file or directory you want.
    • You can edit files on webster with the nano text editor.
    • Keep in mind that if 'root' creates any files, they might be initially only read/writeable by root. You may need to give them more permissions:
      • chgrp www FILENAME
      • chmod go+rw FILENAME


[edit] Course Web Site

The course web site is at the following URL:

Editing the Web Site: TAs generally don't need to do so, but you do have the ability to edit the contents of the course web site. SSH to with your CSE NetID and password, then go to the following directory:

  • /cse/www/education/courses/190m/11sp/


[edit] About This Wiki

This wiki is for the use of the CSE 190 M instructional team (instructors and TAs).

Read and write access is restricted to members of the cse190m Unix group. Membership in that Unix group is controlled by the use of the grpadmin Unix group management tool. (Full disclosure: there is a corresponding "web group," also called cse190m that reflects the membership of the Unix group; that's the basis of the actual access control mechanism. Changes in the membership of the Unix group may take up to two hours to appear in the web group.) Owners of the Unix group (currently Marty Stepp, stepp@cs) may control its membership. CSE technical staff (support@cs) can also manipulate group membership.



Hello my fello 190m TA We have left a super fun treasure hunt for you :D This lab is pretty low-key, so to occupy your time here is my riddle:

What's wet on the outside and dry on the inside?

A treasure in this room will protect you from "hello" but as a string, not the greeting, and without the brimstone, plus, in the front, two of the char at zero!

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