I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one. But I can tell you anyhow I'd rather see than be one.
Copyright 2007
I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one. But I can tell you anyhow I'd rather see than be one.
Copyright 2007
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<?php header("Content-Type: text/plain"); $search_name = $_GET["name"]; $found = FALSE; $text = file_get_contents("employees.txt"); $lines = explode("\n", $text); foreach ($lines as $line) { $tokens = preg_split("/\t+/", $line); if ($tokens[0] == $search_name) { $found = TRUE; $title = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]+/", "", $tokens[2]); print "http://www.awesomeco.com/$title/{$tokens[1]}"; } } if (!$found) { print "http://www.awesomeco.com/"; } ?>
SELECT a1.first_name, a2.first_name, a2.last_name, m.name FROM movies m JOIN roles r1 ON r1.movie_id = m.id JOIN actors a1 ON a1.id = r1.actor_id JOIN roles r2 ON m.id = r2.movie_id JOIN actors a2 ON a2.id = r2.actor_id WHERE a1.last_name = a2.last_name AND a1.first_name < a2.first_name ORDER BY a2.last_name;
function display_last_names() { # connect to database $db = new PDO("mysql:dbname=imdb", "username", "password"); $query = "SELECT a1.first_name AS first1, a2.first_name AS first2, a2.last_name AS last, m.name AS movie FROM movies m JOIN roles r1 ON r1.movie_id = m.id JOIN actors a1 ON a1.id = r1.actor_id JOIN roles r2 ON m.id = r2.movie_id JOIN actors a2 ON a2.id = r2.actor_id WHERE a1.last_name = a2.last_name AND a1.first_name < a2.first_name ORDER BY last;"; $rows = $db->query($query); ?> <ol> <?php $second = FALSE; foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!$second && preg_match("/^[K-Z]/", $row["last"])) { # end first list and start second $second = TRUE; ?> </ol> <ol> <?php } ?> <li> <?= $row["last"] ?>, <?= $row["first1"] ?> / <?= $row["first2"] ?>: <?= $row["movie"] ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ol> <?php }