Web Programming Step by Step

Lecture XX

Reading: 12.1 - 12.2

Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are Copyright 2010 Marty Stepp and Jessica Miller.

Valid XHTML 1.1 Valid CSS!

Visual Effects

Scriptaculous overview

Scriptaculous : a JavaScript library, built on top of Prototype, that adds:

Downloading and using Scriptaculous

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/"

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.8.3/scriptaculous.js"

Visual effects (12.2.1)



(Getting attention)

scriptaculous logo Click effects above

Adding effects to an element

element.effectName();   // for most effects

// some effects must be run the following way:
new Effect.name(element or id);

var buttons = $$("results > button");
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {

Effect options

		option: value,
		option: value,
	duration: 2.0, 
	pulses: 2

Effect events

	duration: 3.0, 
	afterFinish: displayMessage

function displayMessage(effect) {
	alert(effect.element + " is done fading now!");

Drag and Drop; Sortable Lists

Drag and drop (12.2.2)

Scriptaculous provides several objects for supporting drag-and-drop functionality:


new Draggable(element or id,
	{ options }

Draggable example

<div id="draggabledemo1">Draggable demo. Default options.</div>
<div id="draggabledemo2">Draggable demo.
	{snap: [40,40], revert: true}</div>
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	new Draggable("draggabledemo1");
	new Draggable("draggabledemo2", {revert: true, snap: [40, 40]});
logo Draggable demo.
Default options.
Draggable demo.
{snap:[60, 60], revert:true}



Droppables.add(element or id,
	{ options }

Drag/drop shopping demo

<img id="product1" src="images/shirt.png" alt="shirt" />
<img id="product2" src="images/cup.png" alt="cup" />
<div id="droptarget"></div>
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	new Draggable("product1");
	new Draggable("product2");
	Droppables.add("droptarget", {onDrop: productDrop});

function productDrop(drag, drop, event) {
	alert("You dropped " + drag.id);
shirt cup


Sortable.create(element or id of list,
	{ options }

Sortable demo

<ol id="simpsons">
	<li id="simpsons_0">Homer</li>
	<li id="simpsons_1">Marge</li>
	<li id="simpsons_2">Bart</li>
	<li id="simpsons_3">Lisa</li>
	<li id="simpsons_4">Maggie</li>
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
  1. Homer
  2. Marge
  3. Bart
  4. Lisa
  5. Maggie

Sortable list events

event description
onChange when any list item hovers over a new position while dragging
onUpdate when a list item is dropped into a new position (more useful)
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	Sortable.create("simpsons", {
			onUpdate: listUpdate

Sortable list events example

document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	Sortable.create("simpsons", {
			onUpdate: listUpdate

function listUpdate(list) {
	// can do anything I want here; effects, an Ajax request, etc.
  1. Homer
  2. Marge
  3. Bart
  4. Lisa
  5. Maggie

Subtleties of Sortable events


Auto-completing Text Fields

Auto-completing text fields (12.2.3)


Scriptaculous offers ways to make a text box that auto-completes based on prefix strings:

Using Autocompleter.Local

new Autocompleter.Local(
	element or id of text box, 
	element or id of div to show completions,
	array of choices, 
	{ options }

Autocompleter.Local demo

<input id="bands70s" size="40" type="text" />
<div id="bandlistarea"></div>
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
	new Autocompleter.Local(
		["ABBA", "AC/DC", "Aerosmith", "America", "Bay City Rollers", ...], 

Autocompleter styling

<input id="bands70s" size="40" type="text" />
<div id="bandlistarea"></div>
#bandlistarea {
	border: 2px solid gray;
/* 'selected' class is given to the autocomplete item currently chosen */
#bandlistarea .selected {
	background-color: pink;

Using Ajax.Autocompleter

new Ajax.Autocompleter(
	element or id of text box, 
	element or id of div to show completions,
	{ options }


new Ajax.InPlaceEditor(element or id,
	{ options }


new Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor(element or id,
		collection: array of choices,

Other Features

Playing sounds (API)

method description
Sound.play("url"); plays a sound/music file
Sound.disable(); stops future sounds from playing (doesn't mute any sound in progress)
Sound.enable(); re-enables sounds to be playable after a call to Sound.disable()

Other neat features