Web Programming Step by Step

Lecture 15

Reading: 9.1 - 9.2

Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are Copyright 2010 Marty Stepp and Jessica Miller.

Valid XHTML 1.1 Valid CSS!

JavaScript events

abort blur change click dblclick error focus
keydown keypress keyup load mousedown mousemove mouseout
mouseover mouseup reset resize select submit unload

Attaching event handlers the Prototype way

element.onevent = function;
element.observe("event", function);
// call the playNewGame function when the Play button is clicked
$("play").observe("click", playNewGame);

Prototype alternative to window.onload

window.onload = function() {
   // ...
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
   // ...
// attach playNewGame click handler when page has finished loading
document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
   $('play').observe('click', playNewGame);

Attaching multiple event handlers with $$

// listen to clicks on all buttons with class "control" that
// are directly inside the section with ID "game"
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
	var gameButtons = $$("#game > button.control");
	for (var i = 0; i < gameButtons.length; i++) {
		gameButtons[i].observe("click", gameButtonClick);

function gameButtonClick() { ... }

The event object

function name(event) {
	// an event handler function ...
method / property name description
type what kind of event, such as "click" or "mousedown"
element() * the element on which the event occurred
stop() ** cancels an event
stopObserving() removes an event handler

Mouse events (9.2.2)

click user presses/releases mouse button on the element
dblclick user presses/releases mouse button twice on the element
mousedown user presses down mouse button on the element
mouseup user releases mouse button on the element
mouseover mouse cursor enters the element's box
mouseout mouse cursor exits the element's box
mousemove mouse cursor moves around within the element's box

Mouse event objects

The event passed to a mouse handler has these properties:

mouse event
property/method description
clientX, clientY coordinates in browser window
screenX, screenY coordinates in screen
offsetX, offsetY coordinates in element (non-standard)
pointerY() *
coordinates in entire web page
isLeftClick() ** true if left button was pressed

Mouse event example

<pre id="target">Move the mouse over me!</pre>
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
	$("target").observe("mousemove", showCoords);

function showCoords(event) {
	$("target").innerHTML = 
		  "pointer: (" + event.pointerX() + ", " + event.pointerY() + ")\n"
		+ "screen : (" + event.screenX + ", " + event.screenY + ")\n"
		+ "client : (" + event.clientX + ", " + event.clientY + ")";
Move the mouse over me!

The keyword this (8.1.3)

this.fieldName                  // access field
this.fieldName = value;          // modify field

this.methodName(parameters);    // call method

Event handler binding

document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
	$("textbox").observe("mouseout", booyah);   // bound to text box here
	$("submit").observe("click", booyah);       // bound to submit button here

function booyah() {           // booyah knows what object it was called on
	this.value = "booyah";

Fixing redundant code with this

	<label><input type="radio" name="ducks" id="huey"  value="Huey"  /> Huey</label>
	<label><input type="radio" name="ducks" id="dewey" value="Dewey" /> Dewey</label>
	<label><input type="radio" name="ducks" id="louie" value="Louie" /> Louie</label>
function processDucks() {
	if ($("huey").checked) {
		alert("Huey is checked!");
	} else if ($("dewey").checked) {
		alert("Dewey is checked!");
	} else {
		alert("Louie is checked!");
	alert(this.value + " is checked!");

Problems with reading/changing styles

<button id="clickme">Click Me</button>
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
	$("clickme").onclick = biggerFont;
function biggerFont() {
	var size = parseInt($("clickme").style.fontSize);
	size += 4;
	$("clickMe").style.fontSize = size + "pt";

Accessing styles in Prototype (9.1.4)

function biggerFont() {
	// turn text yellow and make it bigger
	var size = parseInt($("clickme").getStyle("font-size"));
	$("clickme").style.fontSize = (size + 4) + "pt";

Common bug: incorrect usage of existing styles

this.style.top = this.getStyle("top") + 100 + "px";            // bad!
this.style.top = parseInt(this.getStyle("top")) + 100 + "px";  // correct

Unobtrusive styling (8.2.3)

function okayClick() {
	this.style.color = "red";
	this.className = "highlighted";
.highlighted { color: red; }

Setting CSS classes in Prototype (9.1.4)

function highlightField() {
	// turn text yellow and make it bigger
	if (!$("text").hasClassName("invalid")) {