; Syntax file for Ruby on Rails - contributed by Andrea Ferguson. ; ; 09 Aug 2005 Modified Tony Pearson ; Added support for Ruby on Rails ; ; 14 Aug 2003 Modified Andy West ; Conformant to Ruby version 1.8 ; ; 16 Oct 2002 Modified Anthony Howe ; ; 05 Aug 1999 Modified by Lindsay Bradford (http://www.star.com.au) ; Entries added for BracketChars, SingleCommentEsc, ; StringEsc and CharEsc C=1 [Syntax] Namespace1 = 6 IgnoreCase = Yes InitKeyWordChars = A-Za-z_ KeyWordChars = A-Za-z0-9_ BracketChars = {}[]() OperatorChars = -+*/<>!~%^&|= PreprocStart = SyntaxStart = SyntaxEnd = CommentStart = !-- CommentEnd = --> SingleComment = # SingleCommentCol = SingleCommentAlt = SingleCommentColAlt = SingleCommentEsc = \ StringStart = " StringEnd = " StringEsc = \ CharStart = ' CharEnd = ' CharEsc = \ ; Primary keywords as defined in the Goat book (Ruby in a Nutshell) ; and online "Programming Ruby" guide from http://www.ruby-lang.org/ ; [Keywords 1] __FILE__ __LINE__ alias and begin break case class def defined? do else elsif end ensure false for if in keys module next nil not or redo rescue retry return self super then true undef unless until when while yield ; Built-In Classes & Methods ; ; The following characters used for methods were not added: ; ; [ ] ]= ^ | ~ % & ` * + +@ - ; -@ <, << <=, <=> == === =~ ; >, >= ` ; ; Conflicts with reserved words: : ; begin ; class ; end ; keys ; next [Keywords 2] Arithmetic Array Bignum Binding Bit Class Comparable Comparisons Continuation Dir Enumerable Errno Exception FalseClass File File::Stat FileTest Fixnum Float GC Hash IO Integer Kernel Marshal MatchData Math Method Module NilClass Numeric Object ObjectSpace Proc Process Range Regexp Signal String Struct Struct::Tms Symbol Thread ThreadGroup Time TrueClass __id__ __send__ _id2ref abort abort_on_exception abort_on_exception= abs acos add alias_method alive? all? all_symbols ancestors any? append_features arity asctime asin assoc at at_exit atan atan2 atime attr attr_accessor attr_reader attr_writer autoload backtrace basename between? binding binmode blksize block_given? blockdev? blocks call callcc caller capitalize capitalize! casecmp casefold? catch ceil center chardev? chdir chmod chomp chomp! chop chop! chown chr chroot class_eval class_variables clear clone close close_read close_write closed? coerce collect collect! compact compact! compile concat const_defined? const_get const_set constants cos cosh count critical critical= crypt ctime current day default default= define_finalizer delete delete! delete_at delete_if detach detect dev directory? dirname disable display divmod downcase downcase! downto dump dup each each_byte each_index each_key each_line each_object each_pair each_value each_with_index egid egid= empty? enable entries eof eof? eql? equal? escape euid euid= eval exception exclude_end? exec executable? executable_real? exist? exists? exit exit! exp expand_path extend extend_object fail fcntl fetch file? fileno fill find find_all finite? first flatten flatten! flock floor flush fnmatch for_fd foreach fork format freeze frexp frozen? ftype garbage_collect getc getpgid getpgrp getpriority gets getwd gid gid= glob global_variables gm gmt? gmtime grep group grpowned? gsub gsub! has_key? has_value? hash hex hour hypot id id2name include include? included included_modules index indexes indices infinite? inherited initialize initialize_copy inject ino insert inspect instance_eval instance_methods instance_of? instance_variable_get instance_variable_set instance_variables integer? intern invert ioctl is_a? isatty isdst iterator? join kcode key? kill kind_of? lambda last last_match lchmod lchown ldexp length lineno lineno= link list ljust load local local_variables localtime log log10 loop lstat lstrip lstrip! main map map! match max mday member? members merge merge! message method method_added method_defined? method_missing method_removed method_undefined methods min mkdir mktime mode module_eval module_function modules modulo mon month mtime name nan? nesting new next! nil? nitems nlink nonzero? now oct offset open operations owned? p pack pass path pid pipe pipe? pop popen pos pos= post_match ppid pre_match print printf priority priority= private private_class_method private_instance_methods private_methods proc protected protected_instance_methods protected_methods public public_class_method public_instance_methods public_methods push putc puts pwd quote raise rand rassoc rdev read readable? readable_real? readchar readline readlines readlink rehash reject reject! remainder remove_const remove_method rename reopen replace require respond_to? restore reverse reverse! reverse_each rewind rindex rjust rmdir round rstrip rstrip! run safe_level scan sec seek select send set_backtrace set_trace_func setgid? setpgid setpgrp setpriority setsid setuid? shift sin singleton_method_added singleton_method_removed singleton_method_undefined singleton_methods sinh size size? sleep slice slice! socket? sort sort! sort_by source split sprintf sqrt squeeze squeeze! srand start stat status step sticky? stop stop? store strftime string strip strip! sub sub! succ succ! sum superclass swapcase swapcase! symlink symlink? sync sync= syscall sysopen sysread sysseek system syswrite taint tainted? tan tanh tell terminate test throw times to_a to_ary to_f to_i to_io to_proc to_s to_str tr tr! tr_s tr_s! trace_var transpose trap truncate tty? tv_sec tv_usec type uid uid= umask undef_method undefine_finalizer ungetc uniq uniq! unlink unpack unshift untaint untrace_var upcase upcase! update upto usec utc utc? utime value value? values wait wait2 waitall waitpid waitpid2 wakeup warn wday writable? writable_real? write yday year zero? zip zone ; Predefined Variables & Constants ; ; Defining these is optional as it is sometimes confusing, ; esepcially in regular expressions ( eg: /\$!$/ ): ; ; $! $" $$ $& $' $* $+ $, $. $/ $: ; $; $< $= $> $? $@ $\ $_ $` $~ ; [Keywords 3] $-0 $-a $-d $-F $-i $-K $-l $-p $-v $-w $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $9 $DEBUG $defout $F $FILENAME $LOAD_PATH $SAFE $stderr $stdin $stdout $VERBOSE ARGF ARGV DATA ENV FALSE NIL RUBY_PLATFORM RUBY_RELEASE_DATE RUBY_VERSION STDERR STDIN STDOUT TOPLEVEL_BINDING TRUE [Keywords 4] before_filter after_filter filter layout require_dependency render render_action render_text render_file render_template render_nothing render_component render_without_layout url_for redirect_to redirect_to_path redirect_to_url helper helper_method model service observer serialize scaffold acts_as_list acts_as_tree after_create after_destroy after_save after_update after_validation after_validation_on_create after_validation_on_update before_create before_destroy before_save before_update before_validation before_validation_on_create before_validation_on_update composed_of belongs_to has_one has_many has_and_belongs_to_many helperhelper_method validate validate_on_create validates_numericality_of validate_on_update validates_acceptance_of validates_associated validates_confirmation_of validates_each validates_format_of validates_inclusion_of validates_length_of validates_presence_of validates_size_of validates_uniqueness_of [Keywords 5] !DOCTYPE A ABBR ACRONYM ADDRESS APPLET AREA B BASE BASEFONT BDO BGSOUND BIG BLINK BLOCKQUOTE BODY BR BUTTON CAPTION CENTER CITE CODE COL COLGROUP DD DEL DFN DIR DIV DL DT EM EMBED FIELDSET FONT FORM FRAME FRAMESET H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 HEAD HR HTML I IFRAME ILAYER IMG INPUT INS ISINDEX KBD KEYGEN LABEL LAYER LEGEND LI LINK LISTING MAP MENU META MULTICOL NOBR NOEMBED NOFRAMES NOLAYER NOSCRIPT OBJECT OL OPTGROUP OPTION P PARAM PLAINTEXT PRE Q RUBY S SAMP SCRIPT SELECT SERVER SMALL SOUND SPACER SPAN STRIKE STRONG STYLE SUB SUP TBODY TEXTAREA TITLE TT U UL VAR WBR XMP TABLE TD TFOOT TH THEAD TR [Keywords 6] ACCESSKEY ACTION ALIGN ALINK ALT BACKGROUND BALANCE BEHAVIOR BGCOLOR BGPROPERTIES BORDER BORDERCOLOR BORDERCOLORDARK BORDERCOLORLIGHT BOTTOMMARGIN CELLPADDING CELLSPACING CHECKED CLASS CLASSID CLEAR CODE CODEBASE CODETYPE COLOR COLS COLSPAN COMPACT CONTENT CONTROLS COORDS DATA DATAFLD DATAFORMATAS DATASRC DIRECTION DISABLED DYNSRC ENCTYPE EVENT FACE FOR FRAME FRAMEBORDER FRAMESPACING HEIGHT HIDDEN HREF HSPACE HTTP-EQUIV ID ISMAP LANG LANGUAGE LEFTMARGIN LINK LOOP LOWSRC MARGINHEIGHT MARGINWIDTH MAXLENGTH MAYSCRIPT METHOD METHODS MULTIPLE NAME NOHREF NORESIZE NOSHADE NOWRAP PALETTE PLUGINSPAGE PUBLIC RB RBC READONLY REL REV RIGHTMARGIN ROWS ROWSPAN RP RT RTC RULES SCROLL SCROLLAMOUNT SCROLLDELAY SCROLLING SELECTED SHAPE SIZE SPAN SRC START STYLE TABINDEX TARGET TEXT TITLE TOPMARGIN TRUESPEED TYPE URL URN USEMAP VALIGN VALUE VLINK VOLUME VRML VSPACE WIDTH WRAP