University of Washington, CSE 190 M, Spring 2009
Section 9: Query as Folk (Databases/SQL)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

section idea/code by Sylvia Tashev and Stefanie Hatcher

Today we will develop several SQL queries against the world and simpsons databases.

world Database Queries:

Write an SQL query to answer each of the following questions. Recall the world database:

countries Other columns: region, surface_area, life_expectancy, gnp_old, local_name, government_form, capital, code2
code name continent independence_year population gnp head_of_state ...
AFG Afghanistan Asia 1919 22720000 5976.0 Mohammad Omar ...
NLD Netherlands Europe 1581 15864000 371362.0 Beatrix ...
id name country_code district population
3793New YorkUSANew York8008278
1Los AngelesUSACalifornia3694820
  1. What languages are spoken in the United States (country_code 'USA')? Show the language and the percentage. Order by percentage from largest to smallest.
    SELECT language, percentage
    FROM languages
    WHERE country_code = 'USA'
    ORDER BY percentage DESC;
  2. List all of the official languages spoken around the world in alphabetical order.
    SELECT DISTINCT language
    FROM languages
    WHERE official = 'T'
    ORDER BY language;
  3. What country/countries use English as their exclusive language? (Hint: Use the percentage.)
    SELECT country_code, language
    FROM languages
    WHERE percentage = 100
    AND language = 'English';
  4. List the names of all countries in Antarctica.
    SELECT name 
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent = 'Antarctica';
  5. What countries have a life expectancy of 78 years or more? List the county names and life expectancies, sorted by greatest to least life expectancy.
    SELECT name, life_expectancy
    FROM countries
    WHERE life_expectancy >= 78
    ORDER BY life_expectancy DESC;
  6. List all continents and all regions within them. Make it easy to see regions for each contient.
    SELECT DISTINCT continent, region
    FROM countries
    ORDER BY continent, region;
  7. Which countries received their independence before 0 AD? Show both the name and the year. (Hint: BC years are negative values.)
    SELECT name, independace_year
    FROM countries
    WHERE independace_year < 0;
  8. Which countries have the same local name as their official name? Show them in sorted order.
    SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name = local_name
    ORDER BY name;
  9. What countries have the word "Republic" as part of their name?
    SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name LIKE '%Republic%';
  10. What countries have a monarchy as their form of government?
    SELECT DISTINCT name, government_form
    FROM countries
    WHERE government_form LIKE '%monarchy%'
    ORDER BY government_form, name;
  11. List all countries in Europe, Oceania, and Antarctica, sorted by continent.
    SELECT continent, name
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent IN ('Europe', 'Oceania', 'Antarctica')
    ORDER BY continent, name;
  12. Which countries have a GNP between $10,000 AND $50,000?
    SELECT name, gnp
    FROM countries
    WHERE gnp BETWEEN 10000 AND 50000;
  13. List the countries whoose names start with either A or B.
    SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name LIKE 'A%' OR name LIKE 'B%';
  14. Which countries have the densest population (population divided by surface area)? Show the densest ones at the top.
    SELECT name, population, surface_area,
           population / surface_area as population_density
    FROM countries
    ORDER BY population_density DESC;

simpsons Database Queries:

Write an SQL query to answer each of the following questions. Recall the simpsons database:

10001Computer Science 1421234
10002Computer Science 1435678
10003Computer Science 190M9012
10004Informatics 1001234
  1. List all grades where a student was given a B- or better.
    SELECT grade 
    FROM grades 
    WHERE grade <= 'B-';
  2. List all of the grades given in the course Computer Science 190M (2 Steps). You'll need to find out 190M's id number first.
    -- step 1: get the id of Computer Science 190 M
    SELECT id
    FROM courses
    WHERE name = 'Computer Science 190M';
    -- step 2: list students in 190 M
    SELECT grade
    FROM grades
    WHERE id = '10003';
  3. List the names of all students that took Computer Science 143 (3 Steps). You'll need to find out 143's id number and the students' id numbers first.
    -- step 1: get the id of Computer Science 143
    SELECT id
    FROM courses
    WHERE name = 'Computer Science 143'; 
    -- step 2: get student ids that took 143
    SELECT student_id
    FROM grades
    WHERE course_id = '10002';
    -- step 3: list student names that match the previous ids
    SELECT name
    FROM students
    WHERE id IN ('123','888','456','404');

Viewing a Query in PHP:

Now let's write a page that displays the result of a query in PHP. Start from the following files:

Click the following image to run our sample solution (solution source code):

expected output

expected output 2
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