lab idea and code by Brian Le
The purpose of this lab is to practice using PHP to create dynamic pages. You very likely won't finish all of the exercises. Just finish as much as you can within the allotted time. You do not need to work on this lab any more after you leave your lab session, though you may if you like.
Edit Options...button, then on the window that appears, click
Close. Then try to
Install Firebugagain. (You may need to refresh the page.)
Brian has written a page named music.html
(right-click and select Save Link Target As...
) that contains a display of all the MP3s he has on his computer. He has already written the HTML code and the styles for the page, viewer.css
. (You don't need to do any CSS for this lab.)
However, the page is not very flexible, because he must manually edit it every time he adds songs to his collection. In this lab, you are to turn this page into a dynamic PHP page in a file named music.php
that will list the MP3s and will always display the songs currently on the computer.
The first task is to convert music.html
into a PHP page that displays Brian's MP3s. Examine the files in the songs/
folder and display each .mp3
file in the format currently shown in the music.html
page. Each one becomes a list item (li
) with a class
of mp3item
. Each song's title should be a link to download that song file from the computer.
Your page should look like this:
It may help you to remember that the glob
and scandir
functions list files in a directory, and that the basename
function extracts the file name from a larger path string.
You may want to download this list of MP3s and playlist files for testing:
Brian's music collection also includes playlists, which are text files containing lists of his favorite songs. For this exercise, modify your PHP code to display any playlist files, which are .txt
files in the songs/
directory. They should display very similarly to the .mp3
files, except they use a class
of playlistitem
so that they have a different icon. For now, a playlist's link is the same as an MP3's link: It downloads the file.
Your page should look like this:
Next you should modify the behavior of your page so that it can optionally display just the songs that are listed in a certain playlist. A playlist is just a text file, where each line of the file contains the file name of an MP3 that is part of the playlist. For example, the file songs/mypicks.txt
has the following contents:
Be More.mp3 Just Because.mp3 Drift Away.mp3
For this exercise, change your PHP code so that if your page is given a query parameter of playlist
, it will read the playlist text file with the given name and display its songs only. For example, if your page is displayed with the following URL:
Then your page should look like this:
You may assume that any songs contained in a playlist actually do exist on the computer.
Recall that query parameters are put into a global PHP array named $_REQUEST
. To access the above query parameter, you should write a line of code such as the following:
$playlist = $_REQUEST["playlist"];
If no query parameter is given, your page should use its previous behavior, displaying all .mp3
and .txt
files. You can test whether a particular parameter has been passed by calling PHP's isset
If you have time, add some information to the end of each song shown on the page. Display the song's size in the appropriate unit. If the song is 0 to 1023 bytes in size, display it as bytes. If it is 1024 to 1048575 bytes in size, display it as kilobytes (multiples of 1024 bytes). If it is 1048576 or more bytes, display it as megabytes (multiples of 1048576 bytes).
If displaying kb or mb, you should round your value to the nearest hundredth. You may want to review the documentation for the round
Your page should look like this:
If you finish all of the above exercises, you can try adding any of the following optional extra features to your page:
playlists: The actual playlist format used by MP3 player software, .m3u
, is actually just a text file like our text playlists were. The only difference is that in a .m3u
file it is legal to have comment lines that begin with a #
character. For example, here are the contents of a file mypicks.m3u
that is equivalent to mypicks.txt
shown previously:
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:177,Paul Dateh & Oren Yoel - Be More Be More.mp3 #EXTINF:291,Christopher Toy - Just Because Just Because.mp3 #EXTINF:238,Magnetic North - Drift Away Drift Away.mp3
Modify your page so that it lists playlists as .m3u
files instead of .txt
files. When your page is reading such a file, you'll need to skip over any comment lines to show just the songs in the list. You may want to review the string functions from the book or slides to see how to search a string for a given substring.
. When shuffle
is set to on
, you should display the songs in a random ordering rather than in their default sorted order. For example, if the page were requested in the following way:
Then the songs would display in a random order. You may want to review the array functions from the book or slides to see how to rearrange an array's elements.
. When bysize
is set to on
, you should display the songs sorted from largest to smallest size rather than in their default sorted order. For example, if the page were requested in the following way:
Then your page should display the largest songs (such as Drift Away.mp3
) first and smallest songs (such as 190M Rap.mp3
) last.
The appearance is unspecified when both shuffle
and bysize
are set to on