Object-Oriented JavaScript

CSE 190 M (Web Programming) Spring 2008

University of Washington

Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are © Copyright 2008 Marty Stepp, Jessica Miller, and Jim George, and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

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Lecture outline

Why use classes and objects?

Interacting with objects

You have already used many types of JavaScript objects:

Creating a new anonymous object

var name = {
	fieldName: value,
	fieldName: value
var pt = {
	x: 4,
	y: 3
alert(pt.x + ", " + pt.y);

You've already done this...

new Ajax.Request(
		method: "get",
		onSuccess: ajaxSuccess

new Effect.Opacity("my_element",
		duration: 2.0, 
		from: 1.0,
		to: 0.5

Objects with behavior

var name = {
	methodName: function(parameters) {
var pt = {
	x: 4,
	y: 3,
	distanceFromOrigin: function() {
		return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;
alert(pt.distanceFromOrigin());   // 5

A paradigm shift: prototypes

What if we want to create an entire new class, not just one new object?
(so that we could say new Point())

Using prototypes

Syntax for prototypes

// constructor
function className(parameters) {
	this.fieldName = value;
	this.fieldName = value;

// adding a method to the prototype
className.prototype.methodName = function(parameters) {

Prototype example

// Constructs a new Point object at the given initial coordinates.
function Point(initialX, initialY) {
	this.x = initialX;
	this.y = initialY;

// Computes the distance between this Point and the given Point p.	
Point.prototype.distance = function(p) {
	var dx = this.x - p.x;
	var dy = this.y - p.y;
	return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

// Returns a text representation of this Point object.	
Point.prototype.toString = function() {
	return "(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ")";

Practice problem: Favorite Movies

Creating classes

How Prototype (uppercase P) adds class semantics to JavaScript

Classes and prototypes

Creating a class

className = Class.create({
	// constructor
	initialize : function(parameters) {
		this.fieldName = value;

	functionName : function(parameters) {	

Class.create example

Point = Class.create({
	// Constructs a new Point object at the given initial coordinates.
	initialize: function(initialX, initialY) {
		this.x = initialX;
		this.y = initialY;

	// Computes the distance between this Point and the given Point p.	
	distance: function(p) {
		var dx = this.x - p.x;
		var dy = this.y - p.y;
		return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

	// Returns a text representation of this Point object.	
	toString: function() {
		return "(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ")";


className = Class.create(superclass, {
// Points that use "Manhattan" (non-diagonal) distances.
ManhattanPoint = Class.create(Point, {
	// Computes the Manhattan distance between this Point and p.
	// Overrides the distance method from Point.
	distance: function(p) {
		var dx = Math.abs(this.x - p.x);
		var dy = Math.abs(this.y - p.y);
		return dx + dy;
	// Computes this point's Manhattan Distance from the origin.
	distanceFromOrigin: function() {
		return this.x + this.y;

Referring to superclass: $super

name: function($super, parameters) {
ManhattanPoint3D = Class.create(ManhattanPoint, {
	initialize: function($super, initialX, initialY, initialZ) {
		$super(initialX, initialY);   // call Point constructor
		this.z = initialZ;
	// Returns 3D "Manhattan Distance" from p.
	distance: function($super, p) {
		var dz = Math.abs(this.z - p.z);
		return $super(p) + dz;

	// Overrides Point's toString method.	
	toString: function() {
		return "(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ", " + this.z + ")";

Practice problem: Fancy movies

Modify the movie gallery code from the last practice problem so that it uses Prototype's Class.create method to make the Movie type.

Once this is done, add a new subtype FancyMovie that displays its movie ratings as star images rather than just showing a number on the page.