Lecture Notes 7:
User Interface Controls

CSE 190 M (Web Programming), Spring 2007

University of Washington

Reading: Sebesta Ch. 5 sections 5.1 - 5.7.2,
Ch. 2 sections 2.9 - 2.9.4

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict Valid CSS!

Interactive HTML user interfaces

HTML form

Document Object Model (DOM)


Global DOM objects

Recall: event handlers

<h2 onclick="myFunction();">Click me!</h2>

Click me!

document object and getElementById

<h2 onclick="makeRed();">Sell</h2>
<p id="announce">Get it while it's hot!</p>
function makeRed() {
    var para = document.getElementById("announce");
    para.style.color = "red";


Get it while it's hot!

DOM style property

function enlarge(id) {
    var element = document.getElementById(id);
    element.style.fontSize = "42pt";

Click me and make me big!

Buttons: The HTML button element

<button onclick="alert('Hello!');">Click me!</button>

  • button's text appears inside button tag
  • JS onclick event handler specifies button's behavior

The DOM innerHTML property

<button id="b1" onclick="myFunction('I did it!');">Click me!</button>
<p id="target">This text will be replaced.</p>
function myFunction(text) {
    var p = document.getElementById("target");
    p.innerHTML = text;

This text will be replaced.

  • innerHTML refers to the HTML text inside of an element:
    <p>this is the innerHTML of the p tag</p>
  • event handler can modify the innerHTML of another element

Another button example

<button id="b1" onclick="addText();">Click me!</button>
function addText() {
    var button = document.getElementById("b1");
    button.innerHTML += " narf";

  • also acceptable in this case:
    <button onclick="this.innerHTML += ' narf';">Click me!</button>

Text boxes: textarea (DOM)

<textarea rows="4" cols="20">
Type your comments here.

  • initial text placed inside textarea tag (optional)
  • optional readonly attribute means text cannot be modified
  • DOM properties: disabled, readOnly, value (text inside textarea)

Practice problem: Shuffle

  • Write the HTML and Javascript code to shuffle the lines of text within a text area whenever a Shuffle button is clicked.
  • shuffling algorithms

Combo boxes: select (DOM), option (DOM)


  • option element represents each choice
  • select optional attributes: disabled, multiple, size
  • attach onchange handler to select to cause behavior on each selection
    • <select onchange="alert('You chose ' + this.value);">

Using select for lists

<select multiple="multiple" size="3">
<option value="Jerry">Jerry</option>
<option value="George">George</option>
<option value="Kramer">Kramer</option>
<option value="Elaine">Elaine</option>
<option value="Newman">Newman</option>
<option value="Susan">Susan</option>

  • DOM properties: disabled, length, multiple, name, selectedIndex, size, value (selected item text)
  • DOM methods: add(option, index), remove(index)

Option groups: optgroup

<optgroup label="Major Characters">
<option value="Jerry">Jerry</option>
<option value="George">George</option>
<option value="Kramer">Kramer</option>
<option value="Elaine">Elaine</option>
<optgroup label="Minor Characters">
<option value="Newman">Newman</option>
<option value="Susan">Susan</option>

  • what should we do if we don't like the bold italic?

Input fields: input

<input type="text" /><br />
<input type="password" size="12" />

  • creates many different types of input controls, depending on its type attribute
  • always empty; contains attributes only
  • attributes: accept, alt, disabled, maxlength, name, readonly, size, src, type, value
  • DOM properties for type="text" and type="password": disabled, maxLength, readOnly, size, value (text in field)

Radio buttons (DOM)

<input type="radio" name="creditcards" id="visa" />
    <label for="visa">Visa</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="creditcards" id="mastercard" />
    <label for="mastercard">MasterCard</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="creditcards" id="amex" />
    <label for="amex">American Express</label><br />

  • grouped by (required) name attribute
  • button's text is a label element with for attribute set to button's id
  • DOM properties: checked, defaultChecked, disabled

Checkboxes (DOM)

<input type="checkbox" name="toppings" value="lettuce" id="lettuce" />
    <label for="lettuce">Lettuce</label><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="toppings" value="tomato" id="tomato" />
    <label for="tomato">Tomato</label><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="toppings" value="pickles" id="pickles" />
    <label for="pickles">Pickles</label>

  • name attribute is required
  • DOM properties: checked, defaultChecked, disabled

Grouping input: fieldset, legend

<legend>Credit cards:</legend>
<input type="radio" name="creditcards" id="visa" />
    <label for="visa">Visa</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="creditcards" id="mastercard" />
    <label for="mastercard">MasterCard</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="creditcards" id="amex" />
    <label for="amex">American Express</label><br />
Credit cards:

  • groups related input fields; legend supplies an optional caption

Practice problem: Colored text

  • Write the HTML and Javascript code to present a text area and three on/off options for red, green, and blue.
  • When the user checks each box, it will add or remove that color from the text area's text.