Javascript Events

CSE 190 M (Web Programming), Spring 2007

University of Washington

Reading: Sebesta Ch. 5 sections 5.2, 5.4.2, 5.7 - 5.8.3

Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are © Copyright 2007 Marty Stepp and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict Valid CSS!

Lecture summary

Old-style event handlers

<button id="ok" onclick="okay();">Click me</button>
// called when OK button is clicked
function okay() {
    var button = document.getElementById("ok"); = "red";

Event handlers using DOM

<button id="ok">Click me</button>
window.onload = initializeBody;   // global code

// called when page loads; sets up all event handlers
function initializeBody() {
    document.getElementById("ok").onclick = okay;
function okay() { = "red";

Why is unobtrusive Javascript better?

The window.onload event

window.onload = name;

// called when page loads; sets up all event handlers
function name() {
    set up any necessary event handlers using the DOM

Proper event handlers

window.onload = initializeBody;

function initializeBody() {
    var name = document.getElementById("ok");
    name.event = function;

Mouse events

DOM objects for HTML elements have the following properties:

    myElement.onmousemove = myFunction;

Mouse event example

<div id="dare">Click me ... I dare you!</div>
function initializeBody() {
    document.getElementById("dare").onmousedown = colorIt;
function colorIt() { = "red";
Click me ... I dare you!

Multiple mouse event variation

<div id="dare">Click me ... I dare you!</div>
function initializeBody() {
    var dareDiv = document.getElementById("dare");
    dareDiv.onmousedown = colorIt;
    dareDiv.onmouseup = uncolorIt;
function colorIt() { = "red";
function uncolorIt() { = "transparent";
Click me ... I dare you!

Examining the mouse event

function colorIt(event) { = "red";
    this.innerHTML = "You clicked (" + event.screenX +
        ", " + event.screenY + ")");
Click me ... I dare you!

Event object properties (reference)

Browser incompatibilities: events

Browser incompatibilities: properties

Click me: Which properties are supported?

One workaround for incompatibilities

function handleClick(event) {
    event = standardizeEvent(event);

// Repairs various browser incompatibilities.
function standardizeEvent(event) {
    var e = event || window.event;
    e.srcElement = e.srcElement ||;
    return e;

Practice problem: Draggable map

One of the coolest features of Google Maps is the ability to drag the map to move it around. Write a program with a draggable map of Middle Earth using Javascript mouse event handlers. (See the background CSS properties from the end of the CSS slides.)

Event nesting

<div id="gum"><img src="gum.png" alt="gum" />
Double your pleasure, <em>double your fun</em>!</div>
function initializeBody() {
    document.getElementById("gum").ondblclick = doBorder;
function doBorder(event) {
    event = standardizeEvent(event); = "2px dashed blue";
gum Double your pleasure, double your fun!

----- Other events -----

Other events

Keyboard events

DOM objects for HTML elements have the following properties:

Key event object properties

Which key event properties does your browser support?

Common request: Detecting Enter key

    // in window.onload handler:
    document.getElementById("mytextbox").onkeypress = keyPress;

function keyPress(event) {
    event = standardizeEvent(event);
    if (event.keyCode == 13) {
        // key code 13 means the user pressed Enter
        do something;
  • Text box events

    these are supported by <input type="text">, <textarea>

    Practice problem: numbers only

    Write Javascript code so that a text input box will only accept numbers as input. Any other characters typed will be removed from the box immediately.

    Problem: multiple scripts

    // script 1
    window.onload = init1;
    // script 2
    window.onload = init2;

    Using addEventListener

    // script 1
    window.addEventListener("load", init1, false);
    // script 2
    window.addEventListener("load", init2, false);

    Browser/page events