Step 1) In the "Project Explorer" pane (usually the left pane), right click on the project that you wish to turn in (hw2 for example) and select the "Export" option from the menu that shows up after you right click.


Step 2) Expand the "General" category by clicking the gray arrow pointing at the "General" category.  Select the "Archive File" option and click the "Next" button.  This will eventually allow you to export your homework into a zip file.


Step 3) In the top-left pane that has a check box next to each project in your workspace, select the project that you wish to turn in (hw2 for example).  This will turn in all files associated with your project so your TA will be able to import your project easily into Eclipse for grading.


Step 4) Click the "Browse" button next to the "To archive file:" text box.  Use this file browser to select the directory where you want your zip file to be created.  Once you have chosen a directory, choose a filename of the form "section_lastname_assignment

.zip".  For example, if Alex Loddengaard were to turn in his second assignment, his filename would be, "".  Alex is in section LA, his last name is Loddengaard, and he's turning in the second assignment.  Once you have chosen a file name, click the "Save" or "OK" button depending on your operating system.  This will take you back to the export screen.


Step 5) Make sure the following options are selected:


-"Save in zip format" is selected instead of "Save in tar format"

-"Compress the contents of the file" is checked

-"Create directory structure for files" is selected instead of "Create only selected directories"


Step 6) Finally, click the "Finish" button.