CSE190L Sample Layout Problem handout #22 1. Layout managers. You are to write code that structures the layout managers for a JFrame. This particular JFrame shows two animations side-by-side and includes controls for changing the number of periods used for each animation and controls for making the animations go faster or slower. In the upper-left corner you should have a button labeled "quit" and in the upper-right corner you should have a button labeled "reset". Below these you should have two side-by-side sets of controls each with: a labeled text field for the number of periods on top of a drawing panel for the animation on top of two buttons labeled "faster" and "slower". All extra vertical and horizontal space should go to the two drawing panels. The other side-by-side controls should stay at their preferred size, centered horizontally on their half of the frame. The quit and reset buttons should always stay in the corners and should always appear at their preferred sizes. You may assume that the frame has enough horizontal space to display the faster/slower buttons side-by-side and to display the labeled text fields.
Notice that the labeled text fields for periods appear against a white background. Also notice that there is a black line separating the left and right sides. This line is one pixel wide. As in the diagram above, it should appear only between the side-by-side elements, not between the quit and reset buttons. Assume that the following variables have been defined: quit the quit button reset the reset button periods1/periods2 the side-by-side text fields for "periods" panel1/panel2 the side-by-side drawing panels faster1/slower1 the left-hand faster/slower buttons faster2/slower2 the right-hand faster/slower buttons Write code below that would be included in the JFrame's constructor to lay out these components properly. Note that you only have to do the layout. You don't have to create the objects, attach listeners or otherwise solve the overall problem. The only objects you should create are the layout containers, the layout managers and the labels used for the text fields. You are allowed to define private methods if you want to. Write your solution to the layout problem below.