Getting started with Eclipse


Downloading and installing Eclipse


Step 1) Go to the following URL:


Step 2) Click the “Eclipse SDK 3.2.2” link.


Step 3) Choose a mirror to download from.


Step 4) Use the installer to install the program.  In Windows, follow the instructions given to you by the installer.  In Mac, unzip the file (if you can’t, then download Stuffit Expander from  Once the file is unzipped, drag the “Eclipse” folder into your “Applications” folder.


Making a new project in Eclipse


Step 1) In Eclipse, click on the "File" menu and select the "New" option.  In the new set of options, select the "Project" option.


Step 2) Select the "Java Project" wizard from the box and click the "Next" button.


Step 3) Name the project according to the following convention: "section_lastname_assignment".  For example, if Alex Loddengaard were making a project for his second assignment, he would name his project, "LA_loddengaard_2".  Alex is in section LA, his last name is Loddengaard, and he’s working on assignment 2.


Step 4) Make sure the following options are selected:


-"Create new project in workspace" is selected instead of "Create project from existing source"

-"Use default JRE ..." is selected instead of "Use a project ..."

-"Use project folder as root ..." is selected instead of "Create separate source ..."


Step 5) Click the "Finish" button.


Adding classes to your project


Step 1) In Eclipse, right click on the project that you wish to add a class to and selected the “New” option from the menu.  Once the “New” option is selected, select the “Class” option from the new list of options that show up.


Step 2) Name your class by entering the desired name into the “Name:” text box.  Don’t change any other options on this screen.  A warning will show up explaining that you shouldn’t put classes in the default packages; ignore this warning message.


Step 3) Click the “Finish” button.


Removing a class from your project


Step 1) In Eclipse, right click on the class that you wish to remove from your project and select the “Delete” option.


Renaming a class in your project


Step 1) In Eclipse, right click on the class that you wish to rename and select the “Refactor” option.  Once the “Refactor” option is selected, select the “Rename” option from the new list of options that shows up.


Step 2) Enter the new name of the class and click the “Finish” button.  Leave all the other options alone.


Importing classes into your project


The easiest way to import classes into your project is to simply drag and drop them from your file browser (Finder in Mac and Explorer in Windows).  You can also follow the below steps:


Step 1) Right click on the project that you wish to import classes into.


Step 2) Expand the “General” option by clicking the gray arrow pointing to the “General” folder icon.  Select the “File System” option from this new list of options and click the “Next” button.


Step 3) Click the “Browse” button next to the “From directory” text box.  Select the directory that contains the classes that you wish to import and click the “OK” button.


Step 4) In the left pane, again select the directory that you wish to import classes from.  Once you select this directory, you will be able to choose which individual classes you want to import in the right pane.  Select the .java files you wish to import and click the “Finish” button.


Running your project


The first time you run a project in Eclipse you’ll have to follow the below steps:


Step 1) Right click on the project you wish to run and select the “Run As” option.  When a new set of options shows up, select the “Run” option.


Step 2) A new window will pop up with run options.  In the left pane, double click on the “Java Application” option.  This should create a sub option under the “Java Application” option called “New_configuration.”  There is no need to change its name, but you can if you’d like.  In the right pane, Make sure that your project shows up in the “Project:” text box and put the name of the class that contains public static void main(String[] args) {…} in the “Main class:” text box.


Step 3) Click the “Run” button.


The console window in the bottom pane of eclipse should activate and your program should run.  Once you have setup this new type of run environment, you can simply click the green play button in Eclipse’s tool panel to run your project.