Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
3/26 administrative details notes |
3/28 review of inheritance/interfaces toString, compareTo, equals Read: Horstmann 5 notes |
3/30 hashCode, compareTo graphics notes |
4/2 more graphics animation Read: Horstmann 7 notes |
4/4 yet more graphics review of inheritance notes |
4/6 reflection intro to events notes |
4/9 more events notes |
4/11 design patterns, model/view/controller layout managers: FlowLayout, BorderLayout notes |
4/13 GridLayout JTextFields and JLabels notes |
4/16 more on JTextFields notes |
4/18 try/catch focus listeners notes |
4/20 collections notes |
4/23 more collections team dynamics notes |
4/25 Model/View/Controller notes |
4/27 Swing subtleties notes |
4/30 review for the midterm |
5/2 midterm |
5/4 Qubic project notes |
5/7 Qubic strategy notes |
5/9 more Qubic strategy Swing demos notes |
5/11 serialization Read: Horstmann 12 notes |
5/14 more serialization menus notes |
5/16 more menus toolbars Action interface notes |
5/18 dialogs complex layout notes |
5/21 design patterns UML notes |
5/23 databases, JDBC guest lecturers Alex and Daniel slides (ppt), slides (html) |
5/25 threads guest lecturer Mikey Levine notes |
5/28 Memorial Day holiday |
5/30 networking guest lecturer David Couvrette sample programs:, |
6/1 wrapup review for the final |