Game Review Form
(for CSE 190C)

CSE 190C, University of Washington, Early Fall Start 2020


Method 1: Prepare your answers in a word processor or simple text editor, then copy and paste your answers into the form's boxes, print as PDF, and submit the file via Canvas. Method 2: Using your own computer (so the browser can save your partial answers, if needed), type your answers directly into the boxes. Then print as PDF, and the submit the file via Canvas. Method 3. Create a document in Microsoft Word or Google Drive that looks very similar in its layout to this page. Enter your answers, save as PDF, and submit via Canvas.

Reviewed by:

Name of the game:

Type of game:

Authors of the game:

Release date and version:

Where available:

How many can play?

Appropriate for ages...

"Serious" game?

Modeled aspect:

Player roles:

Knowledge needed to play:

What a player can learn:

Main game mechanics:

Variety of possible experiences:

Production values:

Your own try-out:


Learning from playing:

Strengths and weaknesses:

Any other references: