CSE 190a Winter 2017 - Women in Computing Seminar


Basic Info


Tuesdays at 3:30-4:20pm in MGH 295


Maggie Ryan, CSE Academic Advisor
Questions? Talk to me in class or email me at maggiem@cs.washington.edu
Office: Allen Center for CSE, Room 101


Melissa Medsker-Galloway, CSE and HCDE Undergraduate Student
Email: medskm@cs.washington.edu

As your CSE 190a TA, Melissa is a great resource for questions about what it's like to be a CSE student, work in an internship, getting involved in research, or any other questions about the CSE student experience. She's also a CSE 143 TA this quarter, so she's happy to offer any tips on succeeding in CSE 142 and determining next steps!

Course Goals

This course is designed to:

  1. Help students explore computer science, including research areas, careers, and the contributions of important women to the field.
  2. Inspire interest, enthusiasm, and curiosity about computer science, and address existing negative stereotypes of computer scientists.
  3. Foster an environment for discussion, debate, and community for women interested in CSE.
  4. Get students thinking about how gender and other identity factors influence their choice of major and career.


**Note: The following schedule is tentative to change depending on tour logistics and student interest**
Week 1 (Jan. 10) - Introduction to the Seminar
Week 2 (Jan. 17) - Amazon Field Trip
Women in Computing?

Assignment #1 Due (in class)

Week 3 (Jan. 24) - Unconscious Bias
Week 4 (Jan. 31) - Extracurriculars and Internships
Week 5 (Feb. 7) - Current Majors Panel
Week 6 (Feb. 14) - Exploring Computing-Related Majors
Week 7 (Feb. 21) - Lab Tours
Week 8 (Feb. 28) - Alumnae Panel
Week 9 (Mar. 7) - Last Class


This seminar is a Credit/No Credit course. To recieve credit, you must earn 40 points for homework (which means completing all four assignments), and 90 of 100 possible Participation points (which means attending at least 9 class sessions).


The content of this seminar is delivered through in-class discussions, guest speakers, presentations, and individual readings and assignments. Participating is very important in this seminar. You can earn participation points by asking questions and participating in class, and/or by posting questions and articles in the "General Discussion" section of our GoPost board.


This course will include four assignments. For each, you'll research a specific topic, read an assigned text or watch a lecture online, then share information from the assignments in class.

  1. Assignment #1: Unconcious Bias: View a tech company's video on unconcious bias and write a short reflection
  2. Assignment #2: Exploring Majors - Your options as a UW Student: Collect and share info about a computing-related major offered at UW (other than Computer Science/Engineering)
  3. Assignment #3: Important Women in Technology Research a leader in the tech industry, and share her profile with the class.