CSE 163, Winter 2020: Final Project: Part 3

Due to uncertainty from the COVID-19 cases, we are opting to move away from having an in-person data science fair this quarter. Instead, we will ask each group to make a video presentation that they will submit on Gradescope. Project Part 3 is due on Thursday, March 19 at 12:00 pm (noon). For this part, you will need to turn in a video and the slides you produce.

Additionally, there is a Google Form you need to complete by 11:59 pm on Thursday, March 19 (same day, but that night) to reflect on your work on the project and how your group interacted. The link is listed below.

NO LATES ACCEPTED for either part.

Video presentation

You and your group should prepare a video presenting a slide deck that highlights of your project. The slide deck and your presentation should summarize the main points of your report shown in the following list:

  • The motivation and any relevant background
  • Research questions
  • High-level description of your methodology, but you should not dive into the specifics of your Python code
  • Summary of key results. Visualizations are particularly helpful here but numerical results are also good.
  • Future work. What might you do if you wanted to continue on with this project.

We have the following expectations of your presentation:

  • Your presentation should be no longer than 4 minutes long.
  • Your slide deck should be no longer than 10 slides long (including the title slide).
  • Clearly conveys the information listed above.
  • The details of your presentation/artifact should be the most important parts of your project without requiring all the detail of your code or report. It should be understandable to someone who has not read your report yet.
  • If you are working in a group, all group members must present some meaningful aspect of the project during the video. Additionally, each group member needs to clearly identify themselves when speaking in the video.
  • Your video is submitted on some online service like Youtube, Google Drive, or Dropbox. Make sure it is accessible to anyone with the link

To make the video, you can use CamStudio (Windows only), Quicktime or Powerpoint's built-in slide-show recording tools. You do not need to stand in front of a projector and record yourself and the slides with a video camera. You can just record what your computer displays (the animated slides) and what you say (the oral presentation). If you do use a video camera to record your presentation, then make sure that the slides are within the view of the video camera.

For those working in a group, but are uncertain if they can meet in person to make the video due to health concerns, we have a few possible suggestions for making the video remotely:

  • You can record parts of the presentation separately and then have one person splice the videos together using a tool like Windows Movie Maker or Quicktime to make one presentation video.
  • You can call in and record people's voice as they talk over speaker-phone. This is only acceptable as long as the person's voice is clearly audible in the video.

Project Reflection

After finishing your video, the last thing you need to do is fill out a reflection about your project and (if applicable) some feedback for your group mates. The reflection is due at 11:59 pm on Thursday, March 19 on a Google Form Each group member must fill out their own reflection.

You can find the reflection link here.

The reflection will get you think back on your experience on the project. You will need to identify things that you think you did well and things you might want to do differently if you had more time or if you went back and started again.

For those that have group members, you will need to fill out a short review of your group mate(s). For each group member, you will be asked to give them feedback on working with them. We will share this feedback with them. There will also be a section for "confidential" feedback for a group mate that will only be seen by the course staff. Like always, you should try to be collegial with your feedback and if you have constructive feedback, you should present it without sounding mean. We will use the feedback (both shared and confidential) towards a small part of a participation grade for this Part 3.

For those that are working by themselves, you will need to fill out a self-reflection about that experience. Your self-reflection will be graded on its completeness and quality, which will go towards your participation grade.

Submit Part III

  • On Gradescope only one group member needs to submit (and should add their group members to the submission).
    • Your slides
    • A URL to your video. This could be submitted by making a file (txt or PDF) that has the link. Make sure you have link sharing turned on for your video. You will not receive credit for your video if your TA mentor cannot access it at the link.
  • Each group member should submit their own project reflection On Google Forms

You may not turn your presentation or reflection in late: you may not use late days, and the deadline is firm.