Now that your Part 0 project proposal has been approved it is time to get started! You need to provide more background and decide on the details of how you will answer your research questions. For Part 1, you will submit a revised version of your Part 0 project proposal. Include any feedback you received from course staff and any further refinements you have made. In addition you must include three new sections: one on your motivation, one on your methodology, and one on your work plan.
Your Part 1 project proposal should include the following sections:
Submit your Part 1 as a PDF file. Do not turn in a Word document or plain text. One group member should submit your report on Gradescope and should use Group Members functionality to add the appropriate group members if you have some. If you want to learn about how to add Group Members on Gradescope, please see instructions here. Group members that are not listed in Gradescope by the late-cutoff will be marked as not submitted.
Reminder: You can only submit Part 1 one day late regardless of the number of late days you may have remaining.