CSE 163, Winter 2020: Homework 3: Part 1

Plotting with Seaborn

Next, you will write functions to generate data visualizations using the Seaborn library. For each of the functions save the generated graph with the specified name. These methods should only take the pandas DataFrame as a parameter. For each problem, drop any rows that have missing data in the columns that are necessary for plotting that problem (do not drop any additional rows).


  • All functions for this part of the assignment should be written in hw3.py. Each function should produce an image with the exact name specified.
    • When submitting on Ed, you DO NOT need to specify the absolute path (e.g. /home/FILE_NAME). If you specify absolute paths for this assignment your code will not pass the tests!
    • You will want to pass the parameter value bbox_inches='tight' to the call to savefig to make sure edges of the image look correct!
  • For this part of the assignment, you may import the math, pandas, seaborn, and matplotlib modules, but you may not use any other imports to solve these problems.
  • For all of the problems below, you should not use ANY loops or list/dictionary comprehensions.
  • Do not use any of the other seaborn plotting functions for this assignment besides the ones we showed in the reference box below. For example, even though the documentation for relplot links to another method called scatterplot, you should not call scatterplot. Instead use relplot(..., kind='scatter') like we showed in class. This is not an issue of stylistic preference, but these functions behave slightly differently. If you use these other functions, your output might look different than the expected picture. You don't yet have the tools necessary to use scatterplot correctly! We will see these extra tools later in the quarter.

Development Strategy

As stated in the Overview, it is difficult to write tests for functions that create graphs. Instead, you can check the graphs manually. Some ways to gain confidence in your generated graph:

  • Print your filtered DataFrame before creating the graph to ensure you’re selecting the correct data.
  • Call the DataFrame describe() method to see some statistical information about the data you've selected. This can sometimes help you determine what to expect in your generated graph.
  • Re-read the problem statement to make sure your generated graph is answering the correct question.
  • Compare the data on your graph to the values in hw3-nces-ed-attainment.csv. For example, for problem 0 you could check that the generated line goes through the point (2005, 28.8) because of this row in the dataset: 2005,A,bachelor's,28.8,34.5,17.6,11.2,62.1,17.0,16.4,28.0

Seaborn Reference

Of all the libraries we will learn this quarter, Seaborn is by far the best documented. We want to give you experience reading real world documentation to learn how to use a library so we will not be providing a specialized cheat-sheet for this assignment. What we will do to make sure you don't have to look through pages and pages of documentation is link you to some key pages you might find helpful for this assignment; you do not have to use every page we link, so part of the challenge here is figuring out which of these pages you need. As a data scientist, a huge part of solving a problem is learning how to skim lots of documentation for a tool that you might be able to leverage to solve your problem.

We recommend to read the documentation in the following order:

  • Start by skimming the examples to see the possible things the function can do. Don't spend too much time trying to figure out what the code is doing yet, but you can quickly look at it to see how much work is involved.
  • Then read the top paragraph(s) that give a general overview of what the function does.
  • Now that you have a better idea of what the function is doing, go look back at the examples and look at the code much more carefully. When you see an example like the one you want to generate, look carefully at the parameters it passes and go check the parameter list near the top for documentation on those parameters.
  • It sometimes (but not always), helps to skim the other parameters in the list just so you have an idea what this function is capable of doing

As a reminder, you will want to refer to the lecture/section material to see the additional matplotlib calls you might need in order to display/save the plots. You'll also need to call the set function on seaborn to get everything set up initially.

Here are the seaborn functions you might need for this assignment:

Make sure you read the bullet point at the top of the page warning you to only use these functions!


Problem 0) Line Chart

Plot the total percentages of all people of bachelor's degree as minimal completion with a line chart over years. To select all people, you should filter to rows where sex is A. Label the x-axis "Year", the y-axis "Percentage", and title the plot "Percentage Earning Bachelor's over Time". Name your method line_plot_bachelors and save your generated graph as line_plot_bachelors.png.

Your result should look like the following:

Problem 1) Bar Chart

Plot the total percentages of women, men, and total people with a minimum education of high school degrees in the year 2009. Label the x-axis "Sex", the y-axis "Percentage", and title the plot "Percentage Completed High School by Sex". Name your method bar_chart_high_school and save your generated graph as bar_chart_high_school.png.

Do you think this bar chart is an effective data visualization? Include your reasoning in hw3-written.txt as described in Part 3.

Your result should look like the following:

Problem 2) Custom Plot

Plot the results of how the percent of Hispanic individuals with degrees has changed between 1990 and 2010 (inclusive) for high school and bachelor's degrees with a chart of your choice. Make sure you label your axes with descriptive names and give a title to the graph. Name your method plot_hispanic_min_degree and save your visualization as plot_hispanic_min_degree.png.

Include a justification of your choice of data visualization in hw3-written.txt, as described in Part 3.