CSE 163, Winter 2020: Homework 1: Part 0


This part of the homework makes sure your development environment is set up correctly and that you can download the support files

While there are no deliverables in this part of the assignment, we strongly recommend you complete them as soon as possible so you have plenty of time to visit office hours if you run into issues.

If you run into any issues while following these instructions, or just have any general questions on using VS Code or Anaconda, please talk to a member of course staff ASAP during office hours or post on the message board.

Part 0a: Download the required software

Follow the instructions on Software page and verify you can run the test program there. You should have also set up the linter (style-checker) in that process.

Part 0b: Download the homework

Download and unzip the project files.

In VS Code, open a folder and navigate to where you downloaded the hw1 folder and open that. In the left side-bar, you should see test_setup.py, hw1.py, and hw1_test.py and some data files (.txt).

Open test_setup.py, right-click on the file in the main editor and select "Run Python File in Terminal". You should see a output that says "Setup correct!".

Part 0c: Fix style errors in test_setup.py

There are two style errors in test_setup.py that your linter should catch (they will be listed as "Problems" in VS Code). Fix the errors so there are no problems remaining. You do not need to turn in this file.