# Name: ... # CSE 160 # Autumn 2024 # Checkin 5 # Problem 1 def first_name_letter(names): ''' Given a list of student names, create a dictionary where the key is the first letter of students' names and the value is a list of all students who names start with that letter. If no student has a name that starts with a letter, that letter should not be a key in the dictionary Arguments: names: a list of strings containing student names. You may assume all names start with a capital letter Returns: a dictionary where the key is a single character and the value is a list of strings ''' # your solution code should start here assert first_name_letter(["Jen"]) == {"J": ["Jen"]} assert first_name_letter(["A"]) == {"A": ["A"]} assert first_name_letter(["A", "Aa"]) == {"A": ["A", "Aa"]} assert first_name_letter(["Cse160", "Is", "Awesome"]) == \ {"C": ["Cse160"], "I": ["Is"], "A": ["Awesome"]} assert first_name_letter(["Alice", "Bob", "Che"]) == \ {"A": ["Alice"], "B": ["Bob"], "C": ["Che"]} assert first_name_letter(["Zack", "Yellen", "Xavier"]) == \ {"Z": ["Zack"], "Y": ["Yellen"], "X": ["Xavier"]} assert first_name_letter(["A", "A", "B", "D", "B", "C"]) == \ {"A": ["A", "A"], "B": ["B", "B"], "D": ["D"], "C": ["C"]} assert first_name_letter(["Amanda", "Zoe", "Sneh", "Sierrah", "Suhas", "Lucas", "Matt"]) == \ {"S": ["Sneh", "Sierrah", "Suhas"], "L": ["Lucas"], "Z": ["Zoe"], "M": ["Matt"], "A": ["Amanda"]} # Problem 2 def dog_to_human_age(dog_ages): ''' Given a list of dog ages, return a set containing the dogs' ages as a set of human ages. To convert a dog's age to human age, multiply it by 7 Arguments: dog_ages: a list of integers greater than or equal to 7 Returns: A set of integers representing the dog ages as human ages ''' # your solution code should start here assert dog_to_human_age([5]) == {35} assert dog_to_human_age([7]) == {49} assert dog_to_human_age([0]) == {0} assert dog_to_human_age([1, 2, 3]) == {7, 14, 21} assert dog_to_human_age([3, 4, 1, 6]) == {21, 28, 7, 42} assert dog_to_human_age([5, 5, 5]) == {35} assert dog_to_human_age([6, 1, 4, 1, 6]) == {42, 7, 28} assert dog_to_human_age([80, 100, 2, 2, 2]) == {14, 560, 700} # Problem 3 def remove_common(set_1, set_2): ''' Return a set containing the elements from set_1 with elements that are found in both set_1 and set_2 removed Arguments: set_1: a set of integers set_2: a set of integers Returns: A set containing elements from set_1 with elements found in both set_1 and set_2 removed ''' # your solution code should start here assert remove_common({20}, {21}) == {20} assert remove_common({1}, {1}) == set() assert remove_common({1, 3, 4}, {3, 5, 6, 1}) == {4} assert remove_common({2, 4, 6, 8}, {1, 3, 5, 7}) == {2, 4, 6, 8} assert remove_common({1, 300, 2, 413}, {413, 300, 2, 1}) == set() assert remove_common({-5}, {413, 300, 2, 1}) == {-5} assert remove_common({15, 17, 20, 47, 49}, {5}) == {15, 17, 20, 47, 49} assert remove_common({1, 2, 3, 4}, {-1, -2, -3, -4}) == {4, 2, 1, 3}