Nov 22 Homework 6 Released
Our final homework, Homework 6, has been released and is due 11:59pm on Friday, 12/06. This homework is intended to give you slightly closer to “real world” experience by starting with a nearly-empty starting file.
The best way to get help for the projects is through Ed or Office Hours! Please do not hesitate to ask if you’re stuck on something, because chances are somebody else will be too, and now they can be helped by your thread!
Nov 12 Homework 5 Release
Our next homework, Homework 5, has been released. This homework has been broken into two parts:
- Part one is due 11:59pm on Monday, November 18.
- Part two is due 11:59pm on Monday, November 25
The best way to get help for the projects is through Ed or Office Hours! Please do not hesitate to ask if you’re stuck on something, because chances are somebody else will be too, and now they can be helped by your thread!
Oct 18 Homework 4 Release
Our next homework, Homework 4, has been released. This homework has been broken into two parts. Part one is due 11:59pm on Monday, Oct 28. Part two is due 11:59pm on Friday, Nov 8.
The best way to get help for the projects is through Ed or Office Hours! Please do not hesitate to ask if you’re stuck on something, because chances are somebody else will be too, and now they can be helped by your thread!
Oct 12 Homework 3 Released
Our next homework, Homework 3, has been released and is due 11:59pm on Friday, 10/18. This homework is intended to give you more practice writing Python code to blur black and white images.
The best way to get help for the projects is through Ed or Office Hours! Please do not hesitate to ask if you’re stuck on something, because chances are somebody else will be too, and now they can be helped by your thread!
Oct 05 Homework 2 Release
Our next homework, Homework 2, has been released and is due 11:59pm on Friday, Oct 1th. This homework is intended to give you more practice writing Python code to analyze DNA data.
The best way to get help for the projects is through Ed or Office Hours! Please do not hesitate to ask if you’re stuck on something, because chances are somebody else will be too, and now they can be helped by your thread!
Sep 29 Homework 1 Release
Our next homework, Homework 1, has been released and is due 11:59pm on Friday, October 4. This homework is intended to give you more practice with writing and running Python code.
The best way to get help for the projects is through Ed or Office Hours! Please do not hesitate to ask if you’re stuck on something, because chances are somebody else will be too, and now they can be helped by your thread!
See the full announcement on Ed! Sep 27 First Day Announcements
Survey + Intro
Welcome to CSE 160! We hope you have a wonderful time this quarter learning Python. To get started, fill out the About You Survey!
Homework 0 Released!
Our first homework of the quarter (Homework 0) has been released and is due 11:59pm on Monday, September 30th. This homework is intended to get you up to speed the course infrastructure and give you some light practice with Python. You can find the instructions for HW0 here.
Preliminary Office Hours now posted
We now have office hours! Most of them start on Week 2. Office Hours tend to be the best way to get face-to-face help with the instructor or a TA, so do come and say hi!
And a reminder, if you have any questions, please post on Ed! All of the course staff will be checking in on Ed regularly, so you can get help from us without having to schedule an appointment or come to office hours.