- [12/14/20] The Final Exam has been posted here. It consists of TWO parts that each have their own submission on Gradescope. You may resubmit/change your answers for any question on any part of the exam up until 5pm Thurs Dec 17.
- [12/09/20] The Final Exam will be released Monday Dec 14 by 5pm and will be due Thursday Dec 17 at 5pm. More on Policies & Topics and Finding Groups.
[11/20/20] You may be interested in the brand new Data Science Minor. You are already partway there! CSE 160 fulfills the one Data Skills course requirement.
[11/14/20] Here is the slide I used last week with some info on CSE courses to take after CSE 160.
[9/30/20] Welcome to CSE 160! To help decide if this course is for you, here are some resources: which_course and intro_courses.
[9/30/20] Please note: If you have already received credit for CSE
143 (or any 300 level CSE course), you cannot take this course.
Teaching Assistants
Your first stop for most questions should be the
Discussion Board (remember not to post your program there). For questions
involving personal matters send email
to cse160-staff
at cs. Detailed debugging is best handled in office hours.
Hours Schedule can be found on the the Schedule.
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