# Name: ... (please fill in your name) # CSE 160 # Winter 2019 # Homework 1 # You may do your work by editing this file. We recommend first # typing your code in a Jupyter Notebook code cell and then # copying it into the appropriate part of this file when you are done. # When you are done, running this file should compute and # print the answers to all of the problems given. import math # makes the math.sqrt function available ### ### Problem 1 ### print("Problem 1 solution follows:") # ... write your code and comments here (and remove this line) ### ### Problem 2 ### print("Problem 2 solution follows:") # ... write your code and comments here (and remove this line) ### ### Problem 3 ### print("Problem 3 solution follows:") # ... write your code and comments here (and remove this line) ### ### Problem 4 ### print("Problem 4 solution follows:") # ... write your code and comments here (and remove this line) ### ### Problem 5 ### print("Problem 5 solution follows:") # ... write your code and comments here (and remove this line) ### ### Problem 6 ### print("Problem 6 solution follows:") # ... write your code and comments here (and remove this line) ### ### Collaboration ### # ... Write your answer here, as a comment (on lines starting with "#").