Serena Zeng

Hi, I am Serena, I am from China, I just relaxed during my summer break and I am looking forward to learn more about web programing in CSE 154

Classes I'm currently taking

  1. CSE 154
  2. MATH 394
  3. Math 395

Five of My Favorite Things

  1. Favorite animal: dog, possibly golden retriever check out my dog
  2. Favorite food: Japanese food
  3. Favorite TV show: Madmen and 70s show so far
  4. Favorite hobby: hiking, cooking
  5. Favorite dessert: ice cream
  6. Favorite childhood character Doraemon

A picture that represents when I'm happy

a happy dog

A picture that represents when I'm sad

a image of a dog to represent the sad me

One of my favorite quotes

carpe diem!