Customize A Special Bubble Tea*(@w@)*

Picking tea, milk flavor, and toppings to make best-matched bubble tea based on given introduction about various choices and your personal taste. Try your customized bubble tea next time and maybe it will become your favorite.


tea is the base of a cup of bubble tea. Different types of tea provide various levels of refreshness with different bitterness, smoothness, and caffeine amount.

Black tea

a cup of balck tea

Picture from website

Black tea is the most commonly consumed tea with higher caffeine and stronger taste compared to others.

Green tea

green tea and teapot

Picture from website

Green tea possesses a high quantity of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. It has a light grassy taste and lower caffeine level which make it a little bitter but more refreshing.

Matcha green tea

handmade matcha green tea

Picture from website

To simply describe matcha, it's finely powered green tea with combination of sweetness and bitterness. It tastes smoother than other tea and has strongest flavor that makes it harder to combine with richer flavors like otehr teas.

Oolong tea

oolong tea and teapot

Picture from website

Oolong tea is somewhat between black and green tea to have a strong flavour of a black tea with the freshness of a green tea. It has lower caffeine and a light fruity flavor.

IContent about tea above is from this website

milk flavor

Adding personally favorite milk flavor largely decide the overall taste. Plain milk is classic and it can perfectly enforce the taste of tea, while other flavors are for people who are addicted to certain food like chocolate or taro.

Pictures drawn by myself


Toppings aim to improve the richness of bubble tea not only in flavor but also the feel to eat something solid. Basically there are bouncy and soft toppings.

