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Aggretsuko, also known by its original Japanese title, Aggressive Retsuko (Japanese: アグレッシブ烈子) is a Japanese anime musical comedy franchise.(Source: Wikipedia) The series is about Retsuko's life as an accountant, and her relationships with her boss, coworkers and family.



Retsuko is the protagonist of the Aggretsuko series. She a 25-year-old accountant. In most people's eyes, she is just another polite and diligent worker at the office. However, she has a secret hobby that very few people know. That hobby is singing death metal at a karaoke bar to let out her anger and frustration. She is like this when she sings:




Haida, a spotted Hyena, is Retsuko's coworker. His seat is next to Retsuko in the office. He has a crush on Retsuko but too shy to tell her. He blushes very often when talking to Retsuko. He and Feneko is always on Retsuko's side when she is treated unfairly by the higher-ups.



Fenneko is also an office worker in the accounting department with Retsuko. Her appearance is based on a Fennec Fox. She is very percetive. She likes to observe people, usually by stalking through social media.

Why you should watch this anime

First of all I love the character design! I think all characters in Aggretsuko are adroable and have charming personalities. Besides, the stories in this series are very relatable. We will face similar challenges in life as Retsuko when dealing with relationships with boss and our colleagues. You might think "ah this is probably going to be some heavy stuff". Don't worry! It's a comedy after all. Fasten your seat belt, watching the entire season is going to be a roller coaster of emotions.