Shota Shimizu

My name is Shota Shimizu and I am a Junior attending the University of Washington. I am taking this class because I have always been interested in Web Development but never had the courage to do it until now!

Classes I'm currently taking

  1. INFO 360: Design Methods
  2. CSE 154: Web Programming

💓 Five of My Favorite Things 💓

  1. Favorite Animal: Hedgehog
  2. Favorite Food: Ramen
  3. Favorite Genre of Music: Jazz
  4. Favorite Hobby: Composing Music
  5. Favorite Song: Lemon by Kenshi Yonezu

🤗 A picture that represents when I'm happy 🤗

A happy hedgehog! Why? Because it's cute!
An image of a hedgehog by u/smokeweedman from reddit

😟 A picture that represents when I'm sad 😟

A tired and sad hedgehog
An image taken from HuffPost

💬 One of my favorite quotes 💬

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.