More About Me


I grew up in Bellevue, Washington, and am very familiar with the Seattle area and culture. I was raised in a household that integrated both Chinese and American culture, as I am half-Chinese and half-Caucasian. At a young age, I realized I enjoyed creating things like ships and buildings from what I saw in movies like Star Wars, so I got really into Legos. I also was very competitive, and I started playing multiple sports and Chess at the age of 5.

Chess became a big part of my life as I got older. I enrolled in chess camps every Summer and joined my school's chess club. I practiced and played so often I even became one of the top 5 players for my grade. As I improved, I won State Championships and National Championships both in middle school and high school. I was a chess club officer in high school and even worked with a few of my clubmates to establish my own small chess club at a neighboring elementary school to spread my knowledge towards young kids who might also be interested in chess like I was. Though I don't play nearly as much today, I have developed many life-long skills because of the game, such as patience, strategical thinking, and sportsmanship, and I carry those skills with me in everything that I do.

While I was still in High School, I also became very interested in Retail and Clothing. I worked as a suit salesman at Macy's for about a year, and from there I realized I really liked working with people. During my time there I developed my ability to communicate and work with people in a professional setting. I also learned how to be autonomous in solving problems and completing tasks. This led to me taking similar positions at Zara and Nordstroms as well.

I am currently at the University of Washington intending to major in Informatics. Currently, I am an RA for the UW Housing and Food Services staff, helping serve as a student leader among my residents, helping them connect with each other and hosting events to facilitate discussion and fun. In addition, I am also the recruitment chair for my fraternity. Those responsibilities include promoting and coordinating our recruitment events, communicating effectively with everyone in the house, and practicing interpersonal skills to seek out potential members. Looking forward to writing the rest of my story as my college and professional career continues...

Click here if you want to learn more about Informatics.

Places I Work or Have Worked At:

  • UW HFS (Residential Advisor)
  • Nordstrom (Salesperson)
  • Macy's (Suit Salesman)
  • Zara (Salesperson)

Coding Experience:

  • Intermediate proficiency in Java, involving data structures, algorithms, and control issues
  • Basic proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Courses Taken at UW: CS142, CS143, INFO101, INFO200, INFO201

Academic Achievements:

  • University GPA: 3.43
  • Deans List | Spring '17, Spring '18
  • IB Diploma
  • AP Scholar with Honors