Classes I'm currently taking
- CSE154
- CSE163
- DRAMA101
Five of My Favorite Things
- Favorite movie: The Great Gatsby
- Favorite food: Sushi
- Favorite TV show: The Office
- Favorite hobby: Soccer
My intended major
![iSchool logo](ischool.jpg)
My Favorite Movies
![Captain America](CaptainAmerica.jpg)
My Favorite Games
![Halo 3](halo3.jpg)
![Call of Duty: Black Ops 2](COD.jpg)
![Fifa 19](Fifa.jpg)
Hi! I am a sophomore intending to major in Informatics. I enjoy coding, eating, walking around campus, and am always excited to learn! Over the Spring Break I stayed on campus and just slept in a lot. I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge of web based languages and learning skills that could be valuable for a future career as a software developer.
Click here to read more about me
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