This is a method of debugging that is highly used by programmers and only requires the following steps.
- First you need to find a duck. Well luckily for you, since most people don't carry around rubber ducks or code near ponds, we will supply one for you.
- Once you have your duck, introduce yourself, don't be shy it is just a duck. Then explain that you will be going over some code with he/she.
- Explain to the chosen duck what you code is supposed to do(sometimes you might not even realize you forgot what it is supposed to acheive).
- Now go line by line explaining what each line does and say what is and is not working.
- At some point during your explanation you're going to have a realization of how to solve the bug or that there is just a simple mistake. Thank your ducky for being a patient and listening to your freak out.
Alright you're ready to debug!
Hello User! Hover over me!