Jonathan Hendrickson's Personal Portfolio

I am an aspiring software developer and data scientist. I'm currently working on my Bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of Washington.

Check out my skills!

Classes I'm currently taking

  1. CSE 180 - Introduction to Data Science
  2. INFO 201 - Technical Foundations
  3. CSE 154 - Web Programming

Five of My Favorite Things

  1. Favorite animal: Armadillo Girdled Lizard
  2. Favorite food: Roast chicken
  3. Favorite TV show: Cowboy Bebop
  4. Favorite hobby: Playing music
  5. Favorite font: Calisto MT

A picture that represents when I'm happy

A statue smiling smugly

Statue from the Moated Manor House of King Edward III

A picture that represents when I'm sad

A pouting desert rainfrog

Desert rain frog from from this blog

One of my favorite quotes

"I concluded that trouble is inevitable and the task, how best to make it, what best way to be in it."

Judith Butler
Gender Trouble