Climbing Adventures Over Spring Break

Climbing in Exit 38

person climbing with rope and helmet

I really enjoyed this climb. The overhang was nice, and the granite was spectacular. I finished a 5.9b, pictured above, and later sent a 5.10d and a 5.11c nearby, although there weren't any convenient outcroppings to take pictures on, unfortunately.

Climbing in 11 Mile Canyon

rock wall with rope hanging

These stacked boulders created some super fun crimps! This was my first outdoor 5.11c on-sight send!

Bouldering in Red Rocks

person climbing red rock from far away

The tiny dot is me! I free soloed about 25 feet before the forest ranger told me to get down... what a scary downclimb!

Snowshoeing near Rainer

smiling snowshoer

I know this isn't really climbing, but it was such a blast I had to include it. The roads were closed so we snuck in, and it was so quiet you could hear every snowflake.

The Chief in Squamish

rock face on a mountain

This mountain is super fun. Did some nice boulders on the way up, as well as a fun, but sketchy, icy, and wet scramble to the top! Next time I come back to Squamish, I'm planning on tackling that rock face!

My First Bat-Hang

climber hanging upside down by feet

This was my first bat-hang on a single hold! I did this at the UW Crags Climbing Center, and even though it is blurry, I promise I held it for ten seconds!

View from the top of 11 Mile Canyon

road pictured from mountain top

The view from the repel from the 5.11c Canyon send was fantastic; although my fingers were freezing, it was totally worth risking my camera on a climb for!