You saw the most amazing magic trick the other day. Two magicians, Alice and Bob, preformed the following trick: Bob drew five random cards without showing Alice, placing one face down and the other four in a line on the table.

Alice looked at the cards for a few moments, and claimed that the face down card was the Jack of Hearts. Bob flipped it over and she was correct! I asked them to do it again, and after making sure they weren't signalling each other, that the cards weren't special, and that they did the same thing each time, I determined it must have to do with the way Bob laid the cards on the table.
Bob would not reveal to me his secrets, magicians never do, but he did agree to put me in Alice's position and let me try and guess his cards. With some trial and error, maybe I can figure out how they did it!
There are 52 cards left in the deck.
What is the fifth card?