résumé About Me Home

Hello, world!

This is Eddy's CSE 154 homework repository! I push my codes here, and if I remember I will post a link to this page. Thanks for being one of the first user to use my website!

Animations with JS

My Hobbies



I lied. I don't really play guitar. I put guitar here because I found a really nice image of a guitar and want to use it somewhere in my website.



I like traveling to places where I have never been before and use my camera to capture nature's breathtaking creation. Usually, this means I will blow all the money I earned throughout summer break on one trip, but it is so worth it.

Animations with CSS

My Work

My CSE 154 grade is like my stock portfolio. Lots of turns here and there, but the overall trend is always going down.

- Eddy Huang