Hi! My name is Shriya and I'm a senior at the University of Washington. I'm studying computer science but I have a wide variety of interests, from teaching to learning about languages to making art.
I'm so excited to TA this course for the fourth time this quarter! I love how anyone can apply the web programming skills learned from this class to the real world.
Some of My Favorites
CSE 154 Tips & Advice
- Start your assignments early! The times I started late, I struggled the most. The homeworks especially are time-consuming assignments. Starting early will give you time to ask for help if necessary.
- Read (and re-read) the spec. The 154 specifications give you a LOT of information. They tell you in detail how to structure, style and program your webpages. The pictures and descriptions of expected behavior are helpful too.
- Try things out! Web development is a lot about trial and error, from how your website looks to how you choose to get and display information. You'll be doing a lot of Googling, testing, writing and deleting code.
- If you're stuck, ask for help. Google can only take us so far. If you're stuck on something, especially conceptually, please reach out to your TA, post on Ed, or come to the WPL.