Ready, Set, Postman!

  1. To download Postman, visit and click on Download the App button.
  2. Under your operating system, click on the download button. Download will begin shortly.
  3. Depending on which operating system,
    • For Macintosh: you will need to unzip the zip and drag Postman to your Applications folder.
    • For Windows, you will need to double click the executable and follow the installation process.
  1. Once Postman is launched, you will need to skip signing in by clicking on the "Skip signing in and take me straight to the app" link at the very bottom of the login form.
  1. Close this welcome screen and you will be ready to make requests!

Making GET requests

The simplest of the request can be performed with Postman. By typing the URL into the bar and clicking on Send will make a GET request to the server.

Example 1 - GET the course website (

You can also insert query parameters (the stuff that goes after the url) to your GET request. They go into the Params input boxes.

Example 2 - GET w/ params: pony=rainbowdash and pokemon=ponyta

Most of the time you will be looking at the Body tab to see the output from the server. Occasionally you will need to see if the server is sending the correct Content-Type header. The headers can be accessed from the Headers tab.

Example 3 - Viewing headers

Practicing GET requests

Can you do the following?

  • Send a request to GET your favorite site. (if you don't have an example, go for Admire their HTML source. (Solution)
  • Send a GET request to
  • Send a GET request to (Solution)
    • Looks like the server has rejected because we're missing parameters. Send a request with a user parameter of the value ponyta. (Solution)
    • Oof so close! How about setting the user as rainbowdash? (Solution)

Making POST requests

Building POST requests on Postman is no more difficult than creating GET requests. Select POST from the dropdown list to the left of the URL box. Enter a POST URL into the box and hit send. You've just made your first POST request on Postman!

Example 4 - Making a POST request to

Since POST requests uses FormData instead of query parameters, we need to switch to the body tab in Postman. Select form-data from the radio buttons and enter your parameters.

Example 5 - Making a POST request to with data: name=rainbowdash, coolness=20-percent-cooler, and postman=rocks!

Practicing POST requests

Can you do the following?

  • Make a post request to
  • Make a post request to
    • Let's try logging in with user as rainbowdash. (Solution)
    • Rainbow Dash has told me her password is ponyta. Set the password FormData as ponyta. (Solution)