Reminders when Studying!

"Remember to constantly keep hydrated while studying!" - Mowgli

This page is an illustration of how setTimeout and setInterval works, using a demo of reminders for studying and hydrating.

Timers: setTimeout (once) vs. setInterval (repeated)

  1. setTimeout(fn, ms) - This is used to set a timer with a specific time delay of ms milliseconds until it calls a function fn just ONCE at a specific delay. Once it's set off once, it won't set off again. It returns a timerId you can use to clearTimeout later.
  2. setInterval(fn, ms) - This is used to set a timer for a function fn that will go off at regular time intervals (once every ms milliseconds). It also returns a timerId you can use to clearInterval later.
  3. clearTimeout(timerId) - This is used to clear timer set by setTimeout, but requires the timerId returned by setTimeout.
  4. clearInterval(timerId) - This is used to clear timers that have been set by setInterval, but requires the timerId retdurned by setInterval.

What's the status on my timers?


Click on a button to set reminders and see the status of your reminders!