General Atom/Git GUI Issues
You see the following error message while cloning:
Unable to clone
Cloning into '/Users/jackv/GitLab/cp1-html-css-jvenberg'...
error: cannot run undefined: No such file or directory
error: cannot run undefined: No such file or directory
fatal: unable to fork
This means that you selected a folder path that does not exist while cloning.
There are two possible solutions. Either run the exact same clone command again
since the first one created the folder you were trying to write to, or run the clone
command with a folder that you know exists.
You see the following error message when trying to commit:
*** Please tell me who you are.
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
to set your account's default identity.
Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.
The "Git" side bar is empty.
First, check to see if your project is open in the Project View on the left.
In there, see if there is a book icon next to the base folder.
If there is a book icon on the base folder - Ensure that there is no other projects open in the
same window by right clicking on unnecessary ones and clicking
"Remove Project Folder". Then, if it is still blank, close out of every
file tab in the window, remove the current project by clicking "Remove Project Folder"
and re-add it through the menu option "File > Add Project Folder...".
Ensure that you only add the base folder of the repository.
If there is no book icon on the base folder - Ensure that you have
added the base folder of the repository as a project. It
will not work unless you have only the base folder as the main directory.