Course Overview
The Internet
Introduction to HTML!
An overview of how the Internet works
What is a website and how to create one from scratch
... with semantic markup and design/layout
... with interactivity through client- and server-side programs
... with up to four different languages
... by searching through online documentation
... and by following detailed specifications
... and overall, building design/development strategies across the "full-stack"
The end result? A better understanding of the web, important technologies, and a portfolio for you to show!
Masters student in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science And Engineering
Has been a TA for various classes since Spring 2015 (CSE 143, 154, 190, 311, 332, and 341).
Head TA/co-instructor for CSE 154 for the last two years, and is very excited to be teaching a new summer offering!
Office Hours (CSE 210): Mondays 2:30-3:30PM and Wednesday 11-12PM
Don't forget to check out the Advice for CSE 154 Students on each TA's About Me Page!
Course Website - it has everything!
Lectures 3x per week
Sections 2x per week (Tuesday and Thursday)
Ask questions, take advantage of CP's to explore the material, and study a little each day.
1 Creative Project (CP) + 1 HW for each Module 1-4
Section Participation (10%)
Short Lecture Pre-Checks (5%)
Two Exams (30%)
Final "Full-Stack" Project! (15%)
Throughout the quarter, we will be using the following web development tools:
Make sure to follow the CSE 154 Setup Guide before section tomorrow (and ask on Piazza if you have any questions!).
Words and images
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): semantic markup for web page content
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): styling web pages
Client-side JavaScript: adding programmable interacitvity to web pages
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML: fetching data from web services using JavaScript fetch API
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON): file format for organizing human-readable data
REST APIs: web services handling and responding to client requests on the server
SQL: interaction with databases
A connection of computer networks built on the Internet Protocol (IP)
Layers of communication protocols (click the down arrow to see more)
So's the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW)?
Physical layer: devices such as ethernet, coaxial cables, fiber-optic lines, modems
Data Link Layer: basic hardware protocols (ethernet, wifi, DSL PPP)
Network/Internet Layer: basic software protocol (IP)
Transport Layer: adds reliability to network layer (TCP, UDP)
Application Layer: implements specific communications for each kind of program (HTTP, POP3/IMAP, SSH, FTP)
Began as a US Department of Defense network called ARPANET (1960s-70s)
Initial services: electronic mail, file transfer
Opened to commercial interests in late 80s
WWW created in 1989-91 by Tim Berners-Lee
Popular web browsers released: Netscape 1994, IE 1995
Then... all this:
Other notable web events:
Who "runs" the Internet? Who is responsible for overseeing it?
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): Internet protocol standards
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): decides top-level domain names
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): web standards
These protocols are carried out in large part by Internet service providers and other companies and organizations who build Internet-related products and applications
A simple protocol for attempting to send data between two computers
Each device has a 32- or 128-bit IP address for other machines to find it. For IPv4 this is written as four 8-bit numbers (0-255)
Find your internet IP address:
Find out your local IP address: in a terminal, type ipconfig
(Windows) or ifconfig
Think about some domain names you know (e.g. What do they end with?
Used to be only .com, .org, .net, .gov, .edu, .int, .mil
... then there were two letter extensions like .uk, .es
Now .everything!
A Domain Name System is a set of servers that map written hostnames to IP addresses →
Adds multiplexing, guaranteed message delivery on top of IP
Multiplexing: multiple programs using the same IP address
Some programs (games, streaming media programs) use simpler UDP protocol instead of TCP
The Internet describes all the interconnected devices that use the "internet protocol." The World Wide Web is the subset of the Internet that uses the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, mostly to transmit "webpages."
Web server: software that listens for web page requests
Web browser: fetches/displays documents from web servers
An identifier for the location of a document on a web site
A basic URL:
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protocol host path
Upon entering this URL into the browser, it would:
GET /courses/cse154/19su/index.html
The set of commands understood by a web server and sent from a browser
Some HTTP commands (your browser sends these internally):
HTTP Method | Description |
GET resource | Retrieve a resource from the server |
POST resource | Change data on the server |
PUT resource | Replace data on the server |
DELETE resource | Remove data from the server |
We will learn more about GET
and POST
when we start
the server-side programming module of this course
When something goes wrong, the web server returns a special "error code" number to the browser, possibly followed by an HTML document
Common Error Codes:
Number | Meaning |
200 | OK |
301-303 | page has moved (permanently or temporarily) |
403 | you are forbidden to access this page |
404 | page not found |
418 | I'm a teapot (fun fact, example) |
500 | internal server error |
HTTP built resilience into the internet by creating the 404.
A website will always give a response, even if what a user wants isn't found.
Except in the Allen Center (CSE building)
There are many different types of HTML tags used to structure web pages (we can't possibly cover all of them within class). We've consolidated a handy slide deck with examples of common tags you should know, but you can find a comprehensive list on MDN (it's a great bookmark page for reference this quarter!)
You are not expected to memorize these! You'll all get more practice tomorrow in section :)
Describes the content and structure of information on a web page
Surrounds text content with opening and closing tags
Each tag's name is called an element
<element> content </element>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
Most whitespace is insignificant in HTML (ignored or collapsed to a single space)
We will use a newer version called HTML5
<!DOCTYPE html>
information about the page
page contents
An HTML page is saved into a file ending with extension .html
The <head>
tag describes the page and the <body>
contains the page's content
tag tells the browser to interpret our page's code as
HTML5, the lastest/greatest version of the language
Let's start with a template!
Some tags can contain additional information called attributes
content </element>
<a href="page2.html">Next page</a>
Some tags don't contain content and can be opened and closed in one tag
<element attribute="value" attribute="value" />
<br />, <hr />, <br>, <hr>
<img src="bunny.jpg" alt="pic from Easter" />
comments to document your HTML file or "comment out" text
<!-- My web page, by Mowgli Hovik
CSE 154, Spring 2048 -->
<p>School is<!-- NOT --> a lot of fun!</p>
School is a lot of fun!
Many web pages are not thoroughly commented (or at all)
Still useful at top of page and for disabling code
Comments cannot be nested and cannot contain a --
Do not leave commented-out HTML code in your homework assignments!
Remember to bring a computer with Atom/Git installed to section tomorrow.
Beginning of Quarter Survey Due Wednesday 11PM, first Pre-Check will be posted tomorrow.
Fill out the Mentorship Circle survey if you are interested!