I'm working on a creative project for another class right now and its nowhere near as cool as our students'...Conner
A data format that represents data as a set of JavaScript objects invented by JS guru Douglas Crockford of Yahoo! natively supported by all modern browsers (and libraries to support it in old ones)
let myobj = {
fieldName1: value1,
fieldName: value
JS (example)
In JavaScript, you can create a new object without creating a "class" like you do in Java
You can add properties to any object even after it is created:
myobj.field87 = "wubba wubba wubba";
JS (example)
let fidgetSpinner = {
owner: "Nate Spencer", // string
grade: "Junior", // string
"zip-code": 90210, // number
price: 3.95, // number
colors: ["red", "green", "purple"], // array
getChoice: function() { return this.owner + " bought " + this.colors[1]; }
console.log(fidgetSpinner.price); // 3.95
console.log(fidgetSpinner.colors[2])); // purple
console.log(fidgetSpinner.getChoice()); // Nate Spencer bought green
console.log(fidgetSpinner["zip-code"]); // 90210
console.log(fidgetSpinner.zip-code]); // error
JS (example)
An object can have methods (function properties) that refer to itself as this
can refer to the fields with .fieldName
Field names can put in quotes - optional unless there is a space or dash (e.g. "zip-code" above which must be accessed using [] notation)
, window
What do you think the JSON should look like for storing the group and member names for the Groupizer/Randomizer?
JSON is a way of saving or storing JavaScript objects.
(The technical term is "serializing" which is just a fancy word for turning an object into a savable string of characters)
Browser JSON methods:
JSON.parse( /* JSON string */ )
-- converts JSON string into Javascript object
JSON.stringify( /* Javascript Object */ )
-- converts a Javascript object into JSON text
> let point = {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}
> point
> {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}
> let s = JSON.stringify(point);
> s
> "{"x":1,"y":2,"z":3}"
> s = s.replace("1", "4");
> "{"x":4,"y":2,"z":3}"
> let point2 = JSON.parse(s);
> point2
> {x: 4, y: 2, z: 3}
JS (console)
JSON data comes from many sources on the web:
JSON is the de facto universal format for exchange of data
JSON has a few rules that differ from regular JS:
Numerous validators/formatters available, eg JSONLint
JSON can't handle certain data types, so these things just fall out of the object if you try to make JSON strings out of them:
To get Date objects or RegExp objects into your JSON, you could extract them as strings, and then rebuild them from strings.
However, since JSON is ideal for communicating across different types of systems, you can't put Javascript functions in JSON. Other languages wouldn't be able to read JSON effectively if it had Javascript code in it.
(This is also why Dates and RegExps can't go into the JSON object -- other languages wouldn't know how to interpret them for what they are.)
{ // no variable assignment
"first_name": "Bart", // strings and properties must be quoted
"last_name": "Simpson", // with double quotes
"age" : 13, // numbers can be here without quotes
"cowabunga": true // booleans can be here without quotes
} // no semicolon at the end
Given the JSON data at right, what expressions would produce.
Assume the JSON data is stored in a string called data
for instance, the window's title is data.window.title
"window": {
"title": "Sample Widget",
"width": 500,
"height": 500
"image": {
"src": "images/logo.png",
"coords": [250, 150, 350, 400],
"alignment": "center"
"messages": [
{"text": "Save", "offset": [10, 20]},
{"text": "Help", "offset": [ 0, 50]},
{"text": "Quit", "offset": [30, 15]}
"debug": "true"
let title = data.window.title; // title === "Sample Widget"
let debug = data.debug; // debug === "true"
let coord = data.image.coords[2]; // coord === 350
let len = data.messages.length; // len === 3
let y = data.messages[len - 1].offset[1]; // y === 15
All of the pages that we've made up until now have content, style, and behavior.
Web applications are webpages that pull in additional data and information as the user progresses through them, making it feel similar to a desktop application.
Some motivations for making web pages into web applications:
Your code waits for the request to completely finish before proceeding.
It is easier to program for synchronous behavior, but the user's entire browser LOCKS UP until the download is completed, which is a terrible user experience (especially if the page is very large or slow to transfer)
Use the inspector, watch the network tab to see the requests that go out.
Example from Randomizer
An application programming interface (API) is a communication protocols that allows two pieces of software to communicate.
A Web API is a set of pre-defined URLs with parameters that allow a user to get information from a web server.
API examples we'll be demonstrating in class
On Monday we will be talking about "how" to actually get data from the API.
But the first thing you need to do to use an API is Read the documentation
Let's look at NASA API
Result: Astronomy Picture of the Day
In preparation for working with our server side code we installed and and configured a server on our machine called MAMP (Mac Apache MySQL PHP)
Now instead of your urls being
We will run them through locahost, e.g.
The fetch interaction will not work between some clients and servers due to configurations on the server (whether the server allows "Cross Origin Requests")
CP3 is out - you will be dynamically adding data from an API to your webpage in response to an event.
In order to effectively do this, you must first figure out what API you want to use and how you want to use
Fill in this form by Monday classtime.