CSE 154

Lecture 9: More DOM/Events in JS


CP2 Due this weekend - new feature to opt-in in the GitGrade turn-in process!

Finish Groupizer

Notion of Objects in JS

More DOM Manipulation/Events

  • appendChild/removeChild
  • Working with radio buttons
  • Changing styles of the DOM: style vs. classList

Monday will return to the module pattern and page event flow with setTimeout/setInterval

Wrapping up Groupizer V1

From the pre-lecture activity:

  1. What bug do we have?
  2. Do you know how to fix it?
  3. How would you comment updateMemberCount?

The Notion of "Objects" in JavaScript

Anything you interact with on the page is an object. An object in JavaScript has:

  1. a set of properties (e.g. innerText for DOM objects)
  2. built-in functions (e.g. addEventListener). Some objects have different properties/functions than others.

It is helpful to think of the following "types" of objects in JavaScript:

  1. Global DOM objects
  2. Objects inside the document (which is a Global DOM object)
  3. Event objects (yes, events are objects!)

The Six Global DOM Objects

Every JavaScript program can refer to the following global objects:

object description
document current HTML page and its content
history list of pages the user has visited
location URL of the current HTML page
navigator info about the web browser you are using
screen info about the screen area occupied by the browser
window the browser window

You will usually just use window and document.

What's inside a DOM object?

For starters, the HTML attributes. This HTML:

<img src="images/puppy.png" alt="A fantastic puppy photo"/>
<p>A paragraph!</p>


Has two objects (let's call them puppyImg and p) with these properties:

  • puppyImg.src -- set by the browser to images/puppy.png
  • puppyImg.alt -- set by the browser to "A fantastic puppy photo"
  • p.innerText -- set by the browser to "A paragraph!"

Note: You will also often see textContent as an alternative to innerText - you may use either.

Creating New Node Objects

Name Description
document.createElement("tag") creates and returns a new empty DOM node representing an element of that type
// create a new <h2> node
let newHeading = document.createElement("h2");
newHeading.innerText = "This is a new heading!";


Note: Merely creating an element does not add it to the page

You must add the new element as a child of an existing element on the page...

Adding/Removing Nodes to the DOM

When you have a parent DOM node, you can add or remove a child DOM node using the following functions:

Name Description
parentNode.appendChild(node) places the given node at end of this node's child list
parentNode.insertBefore(new, old) places the given node in this node's child list just before old child
parentNode.removeChild(node) removes the given node from this node's child list
node.remove() removes the node from the page
parentNode.replaceChild(new, old) replaces given child with new nodes
let li = document.createElement("li");
li.innerText = "A list item!";


Events are also Objects!

Recall that the event handler function can be attached to objects (window, DOM elements, etc.)

sourceEl.addEventListener("click", responseFunction);

function responseFunction(e) {
  // we can access the click Event object here!


When the event occurs, an Event object is created and passed to the event listener. You can optionally "catch" this argument as an optional parameter to get more information about the event.

Event Object Properties

Event objects contain properties about an event that occurred

What types of properties do you think an Event object has?

addBtn.addEventListener("click", addGroup);

function addGroup(e) {
  console.log("Add button clicked!");


Event Properties

The Keyword this

By default, code runs in the global window object (so this === window)

  • All global variables and functions you declare become part of window

The this keyword refers to the current object

For response functions atteched in addEventListener, this refers to the source element of the event.

Using "this" with Event Handler Binding

output of this binding
id("group-size").addEventListener("change", logMsg);

function logMsg() {
  console.log("<select> changed!");
  // same as console.log(id("group-size").value);


Event handlers attached in an event listener are bound to the element

Inside the handler, that element becomes this


Starter code: skittles.html (skittles-lec09-starter.zip)

Your are encouraged to have the HTML open on your computer for reference through lecture!

Breaking Down a UI Spec

Today, we will take what we've learned about JavaScript, events, and the DOM, to implement a game for a user to guess the correct number of Skittles in a jar having a certain color.

Skittles demo

Think about the following questions:

  1. What elements in this demo should be listening to different events?
  2. For each of those elements, what events are they listening to?
  3. For each of those events, what behavior do you see happen as a result?

Skittles V1 Specification

We will implement a "game" to fill a jar with Skittles. For now, we just want to:

  1. Switch views when Start/Reset buttons are clicked
  2. Get the number of colors in a new game (from selected radio buttons)
  3. Use this number to fill the jar with random number of Skittles and colors!
  4. Remove Skittles from the jar
  5. skittles page expected output

Step 1: Hiding/Showing Views

How can we hide display an HTML element?

.hidden {
  display: none;


How can we add/remove CSS classes with JS?

Modifying the classList

You can manipulate the DOM element's classList with the following methods:

Name Description
add(classname) Adds the specified class(es) to the list of classes on this element. Any that are already in the classList are ignored.
remove(classname) Removes the specified class(es) to the list of classes from this element. Any that are already not in the classList are ignored without an error
toggle(classname) Removes a class that is in the list, adds a class that is not in the list.
contains(classname) Returns true if the class is in the the DOM element's classList, false if not.
replace(oldclass, newclass) Replaces the old class with the new class.


There were examples of this used in the Skittles code, eg, when a skittle was created, or when the game view was changed.

function gameView() {
  id("results").innerText = "";
function addSkittle() {
  let skittle = document.createElement("div");
  let randomColor = getRandomColor();


Why Not .style?

// suppose we have a skittle div we want to give our "pikachuyellow" color
// which is better? why?
skittle.style.backgroundColor = "#f3d77b";

// or


Step 2: How Many Colors?

How do we determine what radio button value is selected?

How do we use this value when starting a game?

Review: Radio buttons: <input>

sets of mutually exclusive choices (inline)

<input type="radio" name="color-count" value="3" checked /> 3
<input type="radio" name="color-count" value="6"/> 6
<input type="radio" name="color-count" value="9"/> 9



Grouped by name attribute (only one can be checked at a time)

Must specify a value for each one or else it will be sent as value on

Useful Selectors for Form/UI Elements

element[attribute="value"] {
  property: value;

CSS (template)

input[name='color-count'] {
  opacity: 0.5;

CSS (example)


Attribute selector: matches only elements that have a particular attribute value

Useful for controls because many share the same element (input)

Can also use these selectors in JS with document.querySelector!

Using Attribute Selectors to get a Selected Radio Button

let checkedBtn = qs("input[name='color-count']:checked");
let colorCount = checkedBtn.value;

JS (example)

Are we done?

The starter code has some todos for extra practice of DOM manipulation. If you'd like extra practice, try to work through them to get the expected behavior from the video at home!

Removing DOM elements... a decision

What happens if we don't remove the skittles when we start a new game?

adding too many skittles 1 adding too many skittles 2 adding too many skittles 3

Three methods for removing elements

Get all of the DOM elements and remove them from the DOM

function clearJar() {
  let skittles = qsa(".skittle");
  for (let i = 0; i < skittles.length; i++) {
    // 1. Using node.remove();
    // 2. Using parentNode.removeChild(node);
    // skittles[i].parentNode.removeChild(skittles[i]);


Or ... Method 3: Set the Jar's innerHTML to be empty!

function clearJar() {
  id("jar").innerHTML = "";


Note: in general innerHTML hacking is bad

Why not just code this way?

document.getElementById("add").innerHTML =  "<p>A result!</p>";


Bad code quality (maintainability) on many levels

  • Not modular: HTML code embedded within JS
  • What if you have a complicated new node (with many subchildren) to add?
  • Error-prone: must carefully distinguish " and '
  • Can only add at beginning or end, not in middle of child list
// Substitutes all children
id("add").innerHTML =  "<p>A result!</p>";
// adds a node to the front of the list of children.
id("add").innerHTML  = "<p>A result!</p>" + id("result").innerHTML;
// adds a node to the end of the list of children
id("add").innerHTML += "<p>A result!</p>";


One more: removing elements via the parent node

What if you were to add code to get rid of a skittle when its double clicked?

What is the source element? A skittle (div)

What is the event we want to respond to? dblclick

What is the response? removeSkittle

What is the output/elements changed? the parent of the skittle (the jar)

//code added to addSkittle()
skittle.addEventListener("dblclick", removeSkittle);
// new function added (with JSDoc not seen here)
function removeSkittle() {
  // can also use this.remove() to remove from the document entirely (ES6)


Some Extra Resources

More on reading/changing styles

More on reading a changing styles

Recall that the .style property of a DOM object lets you set any CSS style for an element

button { font-size: 16pt; }


<button id="clickme">Click Me</button>


window.addEventListener("load", initialize);
function init() {
  id("clickme").addEventListener("click", biggerFont);
function biggerFont() {
  let size = parseInt(this.style.fontSize); // size === 16pt to start
  this.style.fontSize = (size + 4) + "pt"; // notice adding the units!



Problem with reading & changing styles

Note! Be careful to

  • remove the units from a .style value before doing arithmetic on it.
  • add the units to numerical values (like pt, px, vw, etc) when setting .style values.

Also: a catch: you can only use this to read styles that have been set with the DOM .style earlier in the code or with inline CSS which we don't want you to do .

You cannot read style properties set in the .css file using .style!

Accessing elements' computed styles

getComputedStyle method of global window object accesses existing styles


JS (template)

img {
  height: 600px;


> let img = document.querySelector("img");
> img.style.height;
> ""
> img.style.height = "25%";
> "25%"
> window.getComputedStyle(img).height;
> "828.234px"

JS Console Output

Thanks to Daniel H for the example

Common bug: incorrect usage of existing styles

The following example attempts to add 100px to the top of main, but fails.

Consider the case when main has top set to "200px". Then this code would update style.top to be the invalid value of "200px100px"

let main = document.getElementById("main");
main.style.top = window.getComputedStyle(main).top + 100 + "px";


A corrected version:

main.style.top = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(main).top) + 100 + "px";


Online Resources: Good or Bad?

You may find some resources online helpful to explore different ways to implement UI's in JavaScript - there are a ton of things! But some are better than others (make sure you understand why these examples are poor use of JS).

For reference, here's a much better solution using what we've taught in this course to accomplish a mouseover demo given by W3Schools (view HTML source to get CSS/JS).

Understanding good code quality can be extremely valuable in navigating an overwhelming amount of resources on the web today.

Understanding the Good vs. Bad

We choose resources that best align with our code quality guidelines, while giving just enough "extra detail" into topics we cover in lecture/section/lab. That said, let us know if you're looking for recommendations on a specific resource!

An Alternative Way to Handle Events

We introduced addEventListener as the way to give a "listener" to a DOM element, mapping an action (event) to a response (function).

Before addEventListener was introduced in JS, events were most often handled using "onevent" attributes. You will still see these occassionally, but addEventListener is the better choice.

Example: onclick

let myBtn = document.getElementById("my-btn");
myBtn.onclick = function() {
  console.log("You clicked a button!");


let myBtn = document.getElementById("my-btn");
myBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
  console.log("You clicked a button!");


This is fine to use if you are attaching an event to an element and don't need to ever remove the event listener. It's an older convention, but not necessarily a "bad" one for simple event handling.

Another Example: window.onload

Recall that we need to set up our JS program with a listener for the window's load event in order to ensure access to DOM elements in our program when the document has finished loading.

window.addEventListener("load", initialize);


You can achieve the same result using the onload event attribute for the window. You may see this in some examples, but addEventListener is preferred.

// initialize defined elsewhere
window.onload = initialize;


window.onload = function() {
  // this is fine for short setup code, but it's common to factor
  // your page setup into an "initialize" function as seen above